Hi. Every time after I use team viewer, the app keeps signing out. Next time I use the app again I have to sign in once again.
Can I stay signed in for a longer period of time even if I close the app after using it? Thanks.
Hello together,
Thank you all for your messages.
We forwarded you cases to our development department, which has confirmed that they are working on it.
Please keep your TeamViewer client updated to ensure you do not miss the fix as soon as it is available.
You'll find all Changelogs here: Changelogs
We are very sorry for any inconvenience. If you have any questions about TeamViewer or need more information, please feel free to contact us again.
Best, Nadin
Hi all,
We're aware of an issue that caused the "stay signed in" feature to not work as expected in some cases. We rolled out a fix for this today. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
Our team is also working on some other issues that have been reported, with TeamViewer being signed out unexpectedly.
Note that if your company uses Single-Sign-On, the sign-in duration is set by your corporate policies.
I'll keep you updated as soon as we have more to share.
We thank you for your patience and trust as we work to fix the issue as soon as possible.
Hi @JSS51,
Welcome to the Community!
This could be something related to the login cache not being saved properly.
I'd recommend:
Let me know if this has worked for you!
Hi Jeank,
I attempted your suggestions and my Teamviewer Client still signs out after 1-7 days on this recently purchased Windows Laptop.
I have also made google searches to keep TV from auto signing off. So in addition I have also:
turned off (Internet Protocol Version 6 (tcp/ipv6) but this hasnt made any improvement.
Any other options I can try?
I'll touch base with our dev team to check the best troubleshooting method.
Did you install the 32-bit or the 64-bit TeamViewer version on the impacted device?
Thanks JeanK,
64 Bit,
FYI, The current version I am on and still getting logged out is 15.40.8 3/22/2023.
Have a good day.
Any updates to this? I'm experiencing the same issue.
got same on latest version - after 14 work good - will recheck but think it was latest;
and today on his own start autologout remote PC user after close TV window (connection); (before got strange autolock or logout on main PC too);
pls explain is TV team do wrong or hacked //// ?????
or it's windows on his own added gp rules etc ????
try set TV setting on remote to never (but still autologout) - prev. had autolock auto on remote and it never lock it.... and now looks like TV-team decided to autologout all without any notify and option to set it back ... [removed per Community Guidelines].
I can switch to **Third Party Product** but TV you lost users on such stupid things... it's very wrong politics.....
recheck settings; add my acc to white list etc; and now no logout;
not sure what cause it; and what fix; or maybe you de that on TV servers side; now no logout;
but also found huge CPU usage (one core thread) on dwm.exe only when connected with TV (on remote PC) - previous TV use CPU low and dwm use 0 cpu; mans you do buggy and testers and devs looks like smoke and release so issued options;
still think you break all on TV server-side - strange how it possible but looks like; (later will recheck what version use before but I think it was last and you broke all on 30-31 Dec 2023....) - still TV good transfer quality etc - but looks like your best was old XP 6 or 9 version all other is perfomance broken.... fix this too on priority :)
small update maybe all issues when remote PC on low memory;
restarted PC and dwm.exe use 0 CPU and TV small usage - how it must be;
what about alocate more mem and use it for app instaed of bad windows;
I also have this issue. 15.48.5 every day when I sign in to my computer TV is logged off. I am closing(exit) it from the task tray and relaunch and it opens signed in. Please fix this annoyance.
This did not happen with v14.
This is happening to me on mac version 15.52.3 - i have 10 machines...all doing the same windows and mac.
I can confirm now that while I have a session open all day long…the actual application signs out in the background. Doesn't affect anything with the current remote session going on….but I have to click inside the password box and it suddenly grays out…and in a few seconds auto logs me in, in order to see my list of saved machines and start a second remote session with another machine. (version 15.53.7 on mac)
Jumping on the end of this to say that I have the same issue on a Mac Studio running 15.55.3 - but has happened with many previous versions in 15. TeamViewer logs itself out. And as described above I have to click on the password box, which then grays out without me typing the password and logs itself back in. Hoping that someone updates this thread in the future with a solution. Thanks.
Hello version 15.58.4 is facing the same issue, TeamViewer logs itself out.
I opened a ticket with TeamViewer Support team, let's see what they will answer
***bleep**, no reply.
Hello @A1exroman_, Thank you for raising the question. May I ask you to double check if the checkbox for Keep me signed in is ticked?
Keep us updated! Nadin
Same problem here. I checked the box. I get logged out about once every 24 hours. Bad.
Same issue here. Using macOS Sequoia 15.1.1 (24B91) ===== TV Client Info ===== UI version: 15.61.3 Commit hash: d1719e5ec
I'm also getting logged out all the time. I check the keep me logged in box but I still need to email and password every time I go to use it.
And while I'm thinking of it. Where is the swap sides function that I remember from a while back? I recently needed it and I couldn't find the function. I suspect it was removed, since it was useful, and now I need to start a session from the other computer to have them see my screen. Which is a pain in the rear.
Any updates? Happens to me as well. Runing v15.61.3.
Same here, it does not work properly. I'm getting so tired of loggin in continually. It also runs the "NEW" layout version once, then reverts back to the old style layout with no slider option for the "NEW" layout. At the price we are paying, it's more than disconcerting that further development and updating cant' be achieved quickly.
I also have the same problem (15.61.3) and contact with the Teamviewr support but they don't reply! It is really annoying and inefficient! Its really shameful for TV company! If you search you can see lots of customers have the same issue and still TV didn't fix it! We pay for the license to be sure have a smooth connection!
Same problem here (15.61.3 on MacOs). It's so annoying 😤
I'm on version 15.61.3 and it is logging me out of my account multiple times per day. As an IT professional, this isn't just an annoyance; it is unacceptable. Please fix ASAP. My client info is below.
===== Client Info =====
UI version: 15.61.3 Commit hash: d1719e5ec Domains: ├── tv-i18next: ^1.3.0 ├── ui-library: 3.22.1 ├── oneapi-account-v1: 1.70.0 ├── oneapi-advancedassetmanagement-v1: 1.36.0 ├── oneapi-apimanagement-v1: 1.1.0 ├── oneapi-audio-v1: 1.6.1 ├── oneapi-auditlog-v1: 1.4.0 ├── oneapi-backup-v0: 0.29.0 ├── oneapi-businesslicense-v1: 1.2.0 ├── oneapi-chat-v1: 1.27.4 ├── oneapi-chattranscript-v1: 1.0.0 ├── oneapi-cobrowsing-v1: 1.0.0 ├── oneapi-commands-v1: 1.2.0 ├── oneapi-common-v1: 1.0.1 ├── oneapi-commonasset-v1: 1.0.0 ├── oneapi-company-v0: 0.17.0 ├── oneapi-conditionalaccess-v0: 0.19.0 ├── oneapi-contacts-v1: 1.17.0 ├── oneapi-custommodules-v1: 1.10.0 ├── oneapi-endpointprotection-v1: 1.27.0 ├── oneapi-externalservice-v0: 0.1.1 ├── oneapi-feedback-v1: 1.6.0 ├── oneapi-identity-v0: 0.3.1 ├── oneapi-integrationcontacts-v0: 0.1.0 ├── oneapi-legacydevices-v1: 1.21.0 ├── oneapi-licenseactivation-v1: 1.3.0 ├── oneapi-licensetrials-v0: 0.4.0 ├── oneapi-manageddevices-v2: 2.83.0 ├── oneapi-meta-v1: 1.2.1 ├── oneapi-mobiledevicemanagement-v2: 2.0.0 ├── oneapi-mobilesdk-v1: 1.0.0 ├── oneapi-mobilewake-v1: 1.0.0 ├── oneapi-monitoring-v0: 0.35.0 ├── oneapi-multitenancy-v0: 0.39.0 ├── oneapi-mydevice-v1: 1.36.0 ├── oneapi-notificationcenter-v1: 1.4.1 ├── oneapi-p2auth-v2: 2.5.0 ├── oneapi-patchmanagement-v0: 0.52.0 ├── oneapi-policies-v0: 0.11.0 ├── oneapi-productmessaging-v0: 0.18.0 ├── oneapi-pushnotification-v1: 1.0.0 ├── oneapi-recentconnections-v1: 1.7.0 ├── oneapi-remoteaccessendpoints-v0: 0.3.0 ├── oneapi-remotecontrol-v1: 1.29.0 ├── oneapi-remoteprinting-v1: 1.4.2 ├── oneapi-remotescripting-v0: 0.34.0 ├── oneapi-reporting-v0: 0.1.0 ├── oneapi-rolloutconfigurations-v1: 1.12.0 ├── oneapi-securitykeyredirection-v1: 1.1.0 ├── oneapi-servicequeue-v1: 1.7.0 ├── oneapi-sessionreporting-v0: 0.38.0 ├── oneapi-sessionrequest-v2: 2.0.0 ├── oneapi-smartsessionsummary-v2: 2.2.0 ├── oneapi-smsinvite-v0: 0.3.0 ├── oneapi-softwareconfiguration-v1: 1.11.0 ├── oneapi-sso-v0: 0.6.1 ├── oneapi-supportsessions-v1: 1.18.0 ├── oneapi-taskautomation-v1: 1.4.0 ├── oneapi-tracking-v2: 2.0.0 ├── oneapi-ui-v1: 1.67.0 ├── oneapi-usergroups-v0: 0.9.0 ├── oneapi-usermanagement-v1: 1.27.0 ├── oneapi-userroles-v1: 1.19.0 ├── oneapi-video-v1: 1.6.1 ├── oneapi-wakeonlan-v1: 1.1.0 ├── oneapi-webclientconfig-v1: 1.5.0 ├── oneapi-webnotifications-v1: 1.1.0 └── webassembly-client: 1.0.969
===== Server Info =====
Host version: 15.61.3 Commit hash: be50f8f72df Build date: 2024-12-11T23:57:25Z Domains: ├── account: 1.* (partially WPS) ├── account: 1.70.0 ├── advancedassetmanagement: 1.* (WPS) ├── apimanagement: 1.* (WPS) ├── audio: 1.6.2 ├── auditlog: 1.* (WPS) ├── backup: 0.* (WPS) ├── businesslicense: 1.* (WPS) ├── chat: 1.27.0 ├── chattranscript: 1.* (WPS) ├── cobrowsing: 1.* (WPS) ├── commonasset: 1.* (WPS) ├── company: 0.* (WPS) ├── conditionalaccess: 0.* (WPS) ├── contacts: 1.* (partially WPS) ├── contacts: 1.17.0 ├── custommodules: 1.* (WPS) ├── endpointprotection: 1.* (WPS) ├── externalservice: 0.1.4 ├── feedback: 1.6.0 ├── identity: 0.* (WPS) ├── integrationcontacts: 0.* (WPS) ├── legacydevices: 1.21.0 ├── licensetrials: 0.4.0 ├── manageddevices: 2.* (partially WPS) ├── manageddevices: 2.84.0 ├── meta: 1.2.2 ├── mobiledevicemanagement: 2.* (WPS) ├── mobilesdk: 1.* (WPS) ├── mobilewake: 1.0.0 ├── monitoring: 0.* (partially WPS) ├── monitoring: 0.35.1 ├── mydevice: 1.36.0 ├── notificationcenter: 1.4.6 ├── p2auth: 2.* (WPS) ├── patchmanagement: 0.* (partially WPS) ├── patchmanagement: 0.52.1 ├── policies: 0.* (partially WPS) ├── policies: 0.11.0 ├── productmessaging: 0.18.0 ├── recentconnections: 1.7.0 ├── remoteaccessendpoints: 0.3.0 ├── remotecontrol: 1.29.0 ├── remoteprinting: 1.4.3 ├── remotescripting: 0.* (WPS) ├── rolloutconfigurations: 1.* (WPS) ├── securitykeyredirection: 1.1.0 ├── servicequeue: 1.* (WPS) ├── sessionreporting: 0.* (WPS) ├── smartsessionsummary: 1.* (WPS) ├── smsinvite: 0.3.0 ├── softwareconfiguration: 1.* (partially WPS) ├── softwareconfiguration: 1.11.0 ├── sso: 0.* (WPS) ├── supportsessions: 1.18.1 ├── taskautomation: 1.* (WPS) ├── tracking: 2.0.1 ├── ui: 1.67.0 ├── usergroups: 0.* (WPS) ├── usermanagement: 1.* (WPS) ├── userroles: 1.* (WPS) ├── video: 1.6.2 └── wakeonlan: 1.1.0
We are facing the same issue. Support wrote back to me today: "We are working internally to solve the issue. " After what they initially wrote to me: "The issue of the forum has been fixed months ago." (this thread was in the question)
Kind of funny.
I have the client below, and it also keeps signing out. Initially i though it was issue on my end, but this happens so often. Incredibly frustrating.
Looks like this was an issue in the past and it's happening again. On at least 2 machines that i know of, TeamViewer has logged itself out (multiple times) even after making sure that I've selected to keep that device logged in. The systems have not rebooted. This makes trying to connect to a remote device, well, impossible if it's supposed to be logged in perpetually but the software is logging itself out.
I'm running version: 15.61.4.
I saw in a previous thread this was an issue in 13.2. Is the issue back in 15.6?
Everyday when i open my TeamViewer om my pc i need to sign back into it with my email and password? Does anyone know what is the reason it causing this? can anyone help me with that.
In the last couple of weeks when I go to start a remote session I have to provide email and password every time. I check the keep me logged in box to no avail. Is this a known issue and I just need to wait for the next version, or is there a setting I'm missing? It isn't a big problem, but it is annoying.