Can someone please take a look at this?

*logfiles removed by moderator*

Can someone please look and explain to me what exactly is happening? I don’t exactly have a lot of money, in fact I don’t even do online banking. Why are these people so concerned with me? I’ve literally had teamviewer unknowingly installed as spyware for two years. It’s been used to in the past to change account passwords and settings I think but if they can’t get any money out of me what exactly are they up to?



  • I literally only downloaded teamviewer because I figured out that someone was using it on me. So I have both of the apps on my phone and I have different sets of log files in each app.
  • Hello cliffordgoodman,

    If you ask the customer support to look at your file's they will do it! Why do you want them to look at you're file's? Is there maybe anything i can help you with?

    I hope this helps,

    Thank you for using teamviewer.

    With kind regards, Met vriendelijke groet,
    Iain Wels,
    If you found this helpfull please verify it as an solution, so it could help other people
  • Can I send you the log files to look at? Customer support asked me to send them to which I did. They seem to be using something called Tvrouterclock and it’s strange because my roommate just happened to come across a second hand tv that she insisted I have set up which I haven’t even turned on since it’s been here.
  • How do I grant the community access to my account? I’m willing to hand it over completely since I only have teamviewer because someone installed it as spyware on my device and I wanted to save the logfiles.
  • *logfiles removed by moderator*

  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    Hi cliffordgoodman,

    Firstly, I am sorry for any scam activity you have been involved in. This is obviously not what we want the software used for.

    We also have a post on this from one of our senior staff here

    However we are not able to have logfiles on the community or allow access to your account for your security.

    Please email us at so that we can assit you with this.


    Senior Moderator
    Did my reply answer your question? Why not accept it as a solution to help others?

    The ID number on my account is the HACKERS. 

    Urgent to change this.