Drag and Drop files between remote and local PC (multiple monitors on both)

Since the upgrade to TV 12 when I try to drag a file from a window on the local PC to a window on the remote PC (on a different monitor) or vice versa, the file moves from the window to the desktop on a different monitor of the PC it was already on. I have to "hunt it down" on the different monitor to drag it to the PC I want it transferred to.

I can use the file transfer mode, but that is less convenient than simply dragging and dropping to an already opened window.

Any advice? or is this a bug? Planned to be fixed?


  • Reyhan
    Reyhan Posts: 269 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @RickWhilden

    Thank you for your post. 

    Unfortunately, we couldn't reproduce your issue.

    Are you dragging the file from a File Explorer window? Could you please check the settings on both sides?!

    The drag & drop integration should be enabled under 
    extras --> options --> advanced (show advanced options) please scroll down.

    In the headline "More" you will see the option to enable or disable drag & drop.

    Which version do you use on both sides? I'm looking forward to further informations.

    Best regards.


    Did my reply answer your question? Please accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks.
  • Reyhan , Thank you for your response… I’m using the save version on both computers and the drag and drop function works, but it seems to only work dragging from the desktop now, where before I could drag and drop from any open window. Here’s the complete scenario… I open TeamViewer on my local PC (Home). I open a window containing in the folder where I want to transfer a file from the remote computer (Church) I drag open window to monitor #3 on my Home PC. From monitor #1 I start a remote session to the Church PC Once I have the remote session active, I open a window on the Church PC, where the file I want to be copy is located. I click on the file on the remote window and attempt to drag it off-screen to monitor #3 on my Home PC. *This is where the problem occurs* When I get to the edge of the remote monitor #1 (Main monitor) I get a drag and drop file transfer failed error and the file is no longer in the window. Instead it is on monitor #2 of the remote PC. From there, I can drag it to my Home PC’s desktop and then move it back to the original folder on the Church PC. In version 11 I simply dragged it from the remote folder to the open folder on my Home PC’s open window (where I want the copy to reside.) If you have an FTP server or cloud drive you can share with me, I’ll video the whole process and upload the video file to you. Here is a screen-shot of my “More” settings. Note: I hadn’t changed them from version 11. TV1.png

    Here’s a screen-shot of my version number.


  • Vic
    Vic Posts: 11

    I have noticed problems with the direction I "drag" a folder or file. If the remote computer has multiple monitors oriented horizontally, try "dragging" the object up or down, in a different direction than the remote monitors are placed. This requires your local Teamviewer window to be "not maximized" , so you have space either above or below on your local desktop to end the "drag".


  • Dragging to a remote window in the same monitor works fine. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Development has identified this problem as a bug and is working on a fix.

  • Vic
    Vic Posts: 11

    Cool. My first bug.


  • Has a resolution been found yet?  This is exhausting.