Send key combinations bug?

Vilhelm Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions

I often have multiple Teamviewer sessions active in the background while i'm working with something else on my own PC - I will then sometimes find out that the windows button and other key combinations are not working. If I then disable 'Send key combinations' then it'll work again.

To clarify: Teamviewer will sometimes send windows key combinations to active sessions even when those sessions are in the background.

Have any of you experienced this and is there a solution other than just disabling 'send key combinations'..?


  • Cakemasher
    Cakemasher Posts: 2 ✭✭
    I can confirm your issue as I'm experiencing the same as you described. I 'fix' it differently however. Everytime I press 'Tab' for example, it seems to be sent to the active session that is running in the background. When I open that TeamViewer window, click on something within the session and then place it in the background again, it seems to be fixed. I repeat that action everytime the issue comes up again.
  • mLipok
    mLipok Posts: 781 ⭐Star⭐

    I can confirm that I have the same issue.

    If TeamViewer "Connection Window" is not active then any keys could not be send to remote host.

    The same with CTRL+C and CTRL+V feature I mean that Clipboard can not be shared directly.
    This is very important for GPDR !!!!


    mLipok , AutoIt MVP