Shift key not registering on virtual machine but is on host machine during remote access

Solitaire Posts: 2
edited May 2023 in General questions


I'm remote accessing a host computer with a virtual computer (Hyper-V).  All keyboard presses are registered by the host computer.  However, while keyboard input mostly works on the virtual machine, it doesn't register the shift key.  So I can only type in lowercase and I can't use special symbols like *.  That means I can't use wildcards when searching the virtual machine.

Normally, the virtual machine reads the shift key no problem when I'm physically on the host computer, so I don't understand why the host computer can read shift key presses and the virtual machine can't while remote accessing.

I tried allowing "Key combinations" (host computer registered the key presses before this was selected) but it made no difference.

Any suggestions?


  • Chiron
    Chiron Posts: 229

    I have had similar issues. VirtualBox doesn't see the difference between left and right Ctrl keys, so you can get your mouse stuck in a VM.

    • If possible, run TeamViewer on the VM and connect directly. Don't involve more 'hops' than needed.
    • For symbols, you can type them in notepad on the remote computer, copy\paste into the VM.
    • For a while I had trouble with the CAPS LOCK getting stuck and used a script to toggle it. You could send other keys. 
    ' Toggle CAPS on and off - Saved as CAPS.vbs
    Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    WshShell.SendKeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
    I don't work for TeamViewer. I'm just a user.
  • Solitaire
    Solitaire Posts: 2

    Using Hyper-V, and it's set up as an internal network so only the host computer can access it.  Not sure how TeamViewer would work on the virtual machine as it does not have internet access.

  • I had the same issue.

    I made a VPN connection instead, and then connected an RDP session to the VPN Partner IP.