ctrl key not working on remote computer
I have team viewer set up with Linux Mint on the viewer computer and raspbian linux on the remote (server) computer. I can use ctrl key combinations on the viewer computer but it won't register on the remote computer. If I connect directly to it (with keyboard and monitor) then I can use ctrl key. I've tried the obvious ctrl+shift and that doesn't work. It makes teamviewer of limited use in controlling the headless pi.
Grateful for any suggestions / fixes.
@jack1234 wrote:(in dconf-editor: org/gnome/settings-daemon/peripherals/mouse
I can confirm the dconf path is present in OpenSuSE15.1/Gnome and it DOES all the <ctrl> key modifier to pass successfully from OpenSuSE15.1 -> Windows 7!
In my case (TV 14 on ubuntu 16.04 local, TV14 on Win7 remote) Ctrl+Shift+arrows (select cells in ms excel) does not work.
Solution for me is change language switch in ubuntu to Alt+Shift L (to next language) and Shift+Alt L (to previous language, it was Ctrl+Shift L before)
P.S. Sorry for my english, its not my first language.
For me, the solution mentioned here few times also worked on Ubuntu 18.04.2
I have no idea why I had this option ON.
@jack1234 wrote:Change this on the client Ubuntu machine
1. sudo apt-get install dconf-editor
2. (in dconf-editor: org/gnome/settings-daemon/peripherals/mouse)
This work for Ubuntu 16.04!
ALso got this Problem. TV13 Ubuntu 18.04
Disabled mouse pointer on ctrl.
Reproduce: Connect to an W10 PC. Open putty in there and get nano on. Next press button down to scroll trough the text.
What happens: Help is opening. If you try to close it via CTRL+x, it just wont work.. You can close it via Windows-on-screen Keyboard but it will open again as soon as you put you finger on that buttndown key...
@si001 I think your reply is misleading. You say "...so its not aTeamViewer problem" as if the interaction between programs is unrelated to the program itself. But that is not true. I tested a fresh copy of vanilla Ubuntu 18.04.0 and 18.04.1 installed on three completely different computers, and they *all* have the problem present. That means that TeamViewer is currently not fully functional on Ubuntu, at least not on my set of hardware and with my default locale and other system settings.
Unless it is known what is the cause of the problem, I would really appreciate not to put blame anywhere, neither to nor away from TeamViewer.
I'm affected by a similar combination of problems. A fix would be highly appreciated.
I connect from Linux to Windows or Linux. In both cases, I can randomly not use the CTRL key. Sometimes it works, but most often it instead endlessly hangs the modified key. For example pressing "CTRL+C" would typically end up in an endless list of 'c' printed on the remote. I can end this by pressing escape. Other key combinations just never work. For example "CTRL+." always is received as a single '.' on the remote.
This worked fine in Teamviewer 12 but broke in Teamviewer 13. Please keep up the good work and fix the Linux issues. Thanks!
I am on Ubuntu 17.10 (Xorg) and have quite the opposite effect. For me often the Ctrl key hangs. Than if I click something on the remote system (Windows) I get a Ctrl+CLICK.
It doesn't happen all the time and if close the session window and start a new session the issue is gone. It might come up again after a little while though. I haven't figured out what actually triggers it. Appears sort of random...
Thought it might be related.
For me (Ubuntu 17.10), the fix was to turn off the "show mouse pointer location when Ctrl key pressed."
I had to use dconf-editor to locate that setting, as Ubuntu no longer includes it on the regular settings dialog panel.
(in dconf-editor: org/gnome/settings-daemon/peripherals/mouse)
This drove me **bleep** crazy. This solultion worked for me.
My problem is a little different. Ctrl hotkeys doesn't work for me. If I use Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+Z etc. it begins spaming the related letter C, V, Z etc. infinitely until I press Esc. This problem is present since the first native version 'till now. I use only Linux without Windows. Host and guest are Linux machines. I don't have a middle click also. Here you are a video:
Hello again
I've investigated further with my Linux (Mint) client and remote Windows host.
The control key isn't completely dead - mouse clicks with control key seem to work.
But Ctrl-C Ctrl-V in wordpad/notepad don't work - they react as if just "c" or "v" are entered alone.
I tried logging key events with a little Tcl/Tk script.
Pressing and releasing the control key on my Linux client logs this (event-keycode-keysym):
On a remote Windows machine via TV-12 (local) and TV-11 (remote):
On the remote Windows machine via TV-13 (local) and TV-11 (remote):
I tried with a TV-13 remote Windows too - same result.
The state of the numlock key makes no difference.
Maybe this helps?
Best regards,
same problem. (Windows 10 > MacOSx) When I press the ctrl key it should be the ctrl in Windows but instead it behaves like I out press the win key. if I press the option key also win key. so two win keys wuuhuuu