MSI deployment through Group Policy

bballing Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions

We are having an issue with deployment to a new group.  We have had several MSI deployments using group policy set up before.  All of the MSI settings are the same for this installer as they are for the previous 12 that are currently working.  We have named the MSI with the configuration ID like normal and added the TrustedConfiguration file in the same folder as the MSI that group policy points to.  

TeamViewer will install on the device, but they never show up in the Management Console or add to the correct container within the console.  With my few test machines, I've had to sign in to Grant Ease of Access, then the device will show up in the Console and I can move it over.  I'm hoping someone can point me in the direction and help us figure out what is going wrong.


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,025 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello bballing,

    Thank you for your message.

    The mass deployment of the TeamViewer Host has changed.

    Here the new instructions to do it :

    New deployment instructions

    I hope this could help. If not, do not hesitate to contact us again.

    I wish you a good day.


    Community Manager

  • -MJ
    -MJ Posts: 1

    Same problem here.

    Your post only explains how to use msiexec paramters, which cannot be used in GPO.
    How can we import settings in a GPO deployment scenario?

  • LEastham
    LEastham Posts: 1

    I'm experiencing the same issue.  I've followed the newer guide, which you correctly identify as having msiexec parameters explained, but my ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS doesn't work properly.  Interestingly it sets the computername to %ComputerName% but applying --group-id=g123456 doesn't take effect.  I've also noticed that my auto assignment doesn't work so I assume this is the cause of the group not applying.  There's a hidden property listed in the MSI called AssignToToken which I think isn't being set during this process.

    Does your deployment create the assignment using the APITOKEN correctly?