Quickjoin usage

rokosz Posts: 3 ✭✭

Hi, I recently noticed a QuickJoin blurb on the TV site.   As a biz user I often need to support folks via TV  and the convenience of a down it and run it quickly remote session is inviting.  But the "down"load part seemed pretty deep in the TV site.

Is there any guidance on how to streamline the process of downing and running Quickjoin on the client computer.    Or a link that I can relay to a distressed client computer user?

thanks   PS sorry if the board I posted to isn't correct --- none of the boards listed seemed relevant to "remote connections". 

Best Answer


  • rokosz
    rokosz Posts: 3 ✭✭

    May have solved this myself (Yippee!).  This link works as of today.

    https://www.teamviewer.com/download   it'll redirect,  once there scroll down to QuickSupport.

    Haven't tried it yet but it looks promising