Can't authenticate


Brand new free account on a MAC trying to access my sister's PC which is Windows.  Both of us on the phone together.  I entered her ID and her password.  It tells me password is wrong and will never authenticate.  Tried multiple time and even tried refreshing the password with a new one.  What am I missing?  I do know that during her install she didn't have to explicitly grant any access to her local machine like I did during my MAC install.  Was a step maybe missed?


  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @DebS,

    a password message assumes that either the id or password is incorrect. Let's assume that everything is correct: try to perform the reverse step. Ask your sister to connect to you; once contact is established, you can reverse the link from your TeamViewer toolbar.

    This should at least be a first step in understanding what's wrong with the configuration.

    Let me know if you can solve it.


    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder

  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @DebS 

    Could you please verify the version of MacOS and Windows is running on both machines? I am asking just to make sure that your Operating Systems are within the compatibility limits of this list.

    One other detail is that the password is case sensitive letters ("a" is different than "A") and the language of writing it must be the same (eg English).

    Together with the proposal of @DomLan , please check if these details it's ok.

    For further assistance, we are here!

    Best regards