Windows 10 does not look to start service until logon



  • Mkolberg
    Mkolberg Posts: 20 ✭✭

    the [x] insider build fixed the Problem.

  • TimCFT
    TimCFT Posts: 6 ✭✭

    Is there an MSI version of this update? We install via GPO so an exe is no use to us.

  • Wiedholz
    Wiedholz Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Until this version it is ready and available as a release, i use the Windows Installer Wrapper Wizard (WIWW) Tool to create an MSI. This MSI calls the EXE file. The EXE is not include in the MSI.

    This way i use to share the program with GPO on the network.

    Here you can download the WIWW-Tool: WIWW-Tool


  • mosatch
    mosatch Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Is it possible to get these files put back up? I'm not seeing them on box.


    Than ks.

  • nicktuf
    nicktuf Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Can these files be made available again? We're rolling out a fleet of new machines with 1703 installed and this problem is occurring on all of them! Any word on when the fix will be added to the official release?

  • mosatch
    mosatch Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Looks like it's available if you enable insider updates within TV and then check for updates.

  • nicktuf
    nicktuf Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Looks like insider builds are only available for the client end, not the host where the problem resides.

  • Wiedholz
    Wiedholz Posts: 5 ✭✭

    The Fix is on Page 1 tagged as Solution.

  • nicktuf
    nicktuf Posts: 8 ✭✭
    That "solution" is a custom build, the links to which no longer work.
  • zoo55
    zoo55 Posts: 9 ✭✭

    The so-called "solution" does not, unfortunately, work on all pc's.  I have two pc's, both running Creators (Destroyers?) Update.  One restarts, the other doesn't.  It is incredible that this is still not fixed.

  • Mulsambe
    Mulsambe Posts: 8 ✭✭

    I confirm the same kind of observation.

    I have uninstalled TV from my 4 PCs and installed the latest version.
    On one PC, I am still unable to log from the others.

    Very sad that this problem is still not solved.

  • wrswaim
    wrswaim Posts: 19 ✭✭

    Checked TV on firewall settings for port and it is set to use any port, so this didn't apply or work for me.

  • wrswaim
    wrswaim Posts: 19 ✭✭

    I went to both of these and they only say now that it either is unavailable or been removed.

  • chrullrich
    chrullrich Posts: 14 ✭✭

    The links work for me, specifically, the links in the post from "Julia" on page 4 of this thread that is linked from the green "Go to solution" box in the first post. Installing from the full version download works as well, but I have not tested whether the problem is still fixed; I know it was before.

    If you install this one, be sure to disable automatic updates, or you will quickly end up with a later version that apparently does not have the fix.

  • wrswaim
    wrswaim Posts: 19 ✭✭

    Thanks so much.  I had only done the one from the TV tech.  Yes it downloaded and so far it works! I have unattended access again! 

    Thanks again for responding so swiftly - I really needed it to work soon!






  • wrswaim
    wrswaim Posts: 19 ✭✭

    Well nevermind.  It eventually shut down and looks offline like before - even though it actually isn't.  Once the pc signs out, it will last for a couple of minutes for access but then just stops and goes "offline".  So back to the drawing board.  Thanks for trying, it almost worked.  I still need a solution quickly.

  • mandfmike
    mandfmike Posts: 18 ✭✭

    Good Luck with that quick solution. I've been waiting for months for a quick solution with this issue on TV11. I've gotten nodda.

  • bartlanz
    bartlanz Posts: 315 ✭✭✭

    Has anyone tried checking the TeamViewer service? Is it set to automatic, have you tried running it under its own account instead of a system account, or telling it to run under your account always (give it your windows username and password)? If someone wants me to walk them through this, I am happy too.

    If my post was helpful, Please throw me a Kudos.
    If my post fixed your issue, please mark it as the solution to help the next person find a solution quickly.
    Bart Lanzillotti
  • nicktuf
    nicktuf Posts: 8 ✭✭

    The Service is running fine, the problem, as described by Julia, is a compatibility issue with Teamviewer and the Windows Firewall. Teamviewer have a solution for it, but I'm not happy using a custom build as it could contain other bugs and I assume has not gone through the full QA process.

  • dcdear
    dcdear Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Completely agree with nicktuf.

  • mandfmike
    mandfmike Posts: 18 ✭✭

    I have done that. It will show it's online, but when you try to connect, it does nothing but says connecting for a few minutes. Doesn't connect until user logs in.

  • Vibes
    Vibes Posts: 10 ✭✭

    As an update from me now that I am back in the UK and able to work on site.
    I have upgraded 5 devices to Windows Creator. Using the dowloadable Host software in the solution page I was able to connect to all computers remotely.
    I removed the Host software and installed TV12 on 4 of the 5 devices and checked the "insider" option. All installed the "Test" TV12 programme. I was able to remote each computer without a problem. Rebooted all 4 devices and they came back on line and I was able to connect again.
    However on my final Reboot I went to each computer and logged in locally. One gave a "network drive not available" error, however this did not occur again so it may be nothing. Only problem is that the background on each computer was black, even after a local reboot, and the users theme had to be set back locally.
    Otherwise it looks as if we are on for a good release soon

  • Craig70130
    Craig70130 Posts: 5 ✭✭

    For what it's worth, this problem also occurs on Windows Server 2016, at least the 2016 Essentials Edition.  I have not had the problem with any of my 2016 Standard boxes.

    Disabled Windows firewall - nofix.

    Installed the build from the link on the previous page - nofix.

    Enabled "insider" builds - nofix.

    They haven't rolled out the "Creators" refresh for 2016 so it seems something in a monthly update caused the issue possibly.

    This machine is a brand new build and is as virgin as it gets - no 3rd party software installed yet, etc.


  • wrswaim
    wrswaim Posts: 19 ✭✭

    Yep, I have done so many combinations of ticking this box or that, and more and it still won't work past 5 minutes after the pc signs off.  I have one other pc I access unattended remotely for personal use and even after all updates TV works without a hitch.  All so strange - it just isn't normally this hard.

    Hoping for a solution quickly.



  • Craig70130
    Craig70130 Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Funny thing is I have probably 20 Win10 machines with the Creators Update having no problems at all.  I'm only having it on this one  2016 Server Essentials box.


  • chrullrich
    chrullrich Posts: 14 ✭✭

    It might be a different issue then. Could you try getting a WFP event trace following the instructions at <>? This is a bit more difficult because you have to log off from the server to actually reproduce the problem. We can solve this problem by using a remote shell that can remain connected all through the procedure.

    Essentially, it works like this:

    1. Log on to the affected system's console.
    2. Log on over the network, through "winrs -r:hostname cmd" or PowerShell remoting.
    3. In the remote shell:
      • Change to the directory where the trace should be saved
      • Run the command "netsh.exe wfp capture start cab=off"
    4. Log off from the console. Wait until the computer turns offline in TeamViewer, which should, of course, be nearly instantaneous.
    5. In the remote shell, run the command "netsh wfp capture stop".

    The next part will be much easier if you have seen the inside of an XML file before.

    There should now be a file, several MiB in size, named "wfpdiag.xml". Open this file in a suitable editor. Notepad will work in a pinch. The root element is <wfpdiag>, and within it, first <sysinfo>, then <initialState>, then <events>. Look for the start of the <events> element. It will be at approximately line 100,000, possibly much further down depending on the number of firewall rules you have.

    Look through the <netEvent> records for one that refers to "t.e.a.m.v.i.e.w.e.r._.s.e.r.v.i.c.e...e.x.e."; the file names are rather obvious to the eye (or search for it, but this string appears many times within the <initialState> as well).

    If there is such an event, look for its <type>. If it is FWPM_NET_EVENT_CLASSIFY_DROP, make a note of the <filterId> number two lines down from the <type>.

    Now go back to the top of the file and search for <filterId>(that number). From the first match, look a few dozen lines upward to the start of the enclosing <item> element. Just below that, there are <name> and <description>. If they are both "Block Outbound Default Rule", congratulations, you have the same problem that this thread is about.

    If it is a different rule, your problem is also different. If you are certain the rule (the whole <item> containing the filterId, about 80 lines or so) does not contain sensitive information, you could post it here and I'll look at it.

  • fred7
    fred7 Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Previuosly I could log in to my remote computer on the login screen.

    With Windows 10 I cannot. Get message that Teamviewer is not running. 

    It actually is but I do not get the login screen for my account.

    Previously it worked perfectly.(Windows 8.1). Will the Update posted above solve this problem?

  • fred7
    fred7 Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Just to add. This above problem hapens when the computer goes to sleep or is automatically rebooted after an update. Evrything fien if I can loggin on the computer itself.

  • dcdear
    dcdear Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Is there an ETA on when this will be in general release? I am not able to use pre-release software.

  • wrswaim
    wrswaim Posts: 19 ✭✭

    They released it and I did a complete uninstall and fresh reinstall of the new build and nothing changed.  Actually both of the pc's I access remotely now I can't access once they signoff.

    TV worked so flawlessly for so long, I am a bit discouraged with this.