Discussion List
Team Viewer Quick Support tool v11 for Linux is crashing on Ubuntu 18.04Hello, Team Viewer customized Quick support tool for Linux v11 is not working on Ubuntu 18.04. R…
Teamviewer 12 on Debian 10 (buster)Hello, I'm trying to install teamviewer 12 on debian buster x64. I need the version 12 because of …
Teamviewer stopped working for meTeamViewer stopped working for me, presumably after some system upgrade; Im on a fairly up-to-date …
Resolution and mouse pointer issues from Android to DebianTeamViewer (version 14.5.1691) is running into the following problems when opening a connection to …
Team Viewer Host for Raspberry Pi (armv7) don't work when system service disabledI use Team Viewer Host (teamviewer-host_14.5.5819_armhf.deb) withRaspbian Stretch. I don't need aut…
Remote connect to Debian 9Cannot remote connect to Debian 9 with Teamviewer 14 from Windows 10. Works if logged into Debian s…
Dedicated 'tv14' stable/preview APT repository streams removed?We've set the APT sources.list file to use the dedicated "tv14" stream for updates, so we…
Several Bugs on Armbian and Orange Pi ZeroI had installed TeamViewer on my system and it's not working. I've installed it by just sudo apt…
TV 13.1 can not start on Debian 9.3I have two vitual machines of Debian 9.3 ~ V1 and V2. I have been using TV 13.1 for a while on V1 a…
BUG in Teamviewer for Debian LINUXI have installed Teamviewer in a Debian distribution running Jessie flavor of LINUX. The installati…
Teamviewer setup failure on linux serverHi All, I'm trying to install Teamviewer on Linux server to manage it remotly. I have Debian Jessi…