Blizz Outlook Integration will disable Skype for Business Outlook Integration

sukram Posts: 2
edited April 2023 in Meeting Forum

Blizz Outlook integration installation leads to disable SfB Outlook integration. I can not plan meetings with SfB anymore:

"Create Skype Meeting failed. Please make sure that Skype for Business is running and signed-in and try again."

Only new user profile and no activation of Blizz will fix this issue (Office, Blizz re-install will not help..)


  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    It might helping if you change the TCP port of one of this two apps, is is possible, because both are using TCP 443 for communicating by default and maybe this is the issue.

    Please take a look at this post to verify it.

  • sukram

    Thank you for this hint, but i don´t know where i can change the port of Blizz.. found no way to change it for Skype for Business.. is there a way to change?

  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    I'm not using so I can't guide you, but you could give it a search on google or in the customer support team to find a solution.

    If you found my advice helpfoul, please hit me a kudo!
