Want to build stronger, more personal customer relationships with the people you provide tech support to? With TeamViewer 12 you can leave Remote Sticky Notes to keep customers in the loop about what’s happening with their device.
In any business, forming and nurturing customer relationships is incredibly important.
As you’ll likely already know - this is especially true in the relationship between an IT worker and the people they help.
Quite often, during tech support you’ll have access to the customer’s sensitive information. As well as direct interaction with the customer’s property and software environment.
It might seem simple, but by leaving a Remote Sticky Note you can help ensure customers feel good about the tech support they receive.
Transparency is the Key to a Great Tech Support Relationship
The key to why something as simple as a note can have a big impact, is because of the importance of transparency in building a relationship of mutual trust between you and the customer.
In most cases, the customer doesn’t have the knowledge to completely understand everything you do.
Opening system programs they’ve never seen before, or taking actions they aren’t familiar with can lead to a sense of confusion.
And often the customer needs to get on with something else, leaving you alone to continue working on their machine.
They may only return to their device once you’ve left – not knowing for certain if the issue has been resolved, or what actions were taken.
Insecurity is understandable – when you don’t have the experience, knowledge, or insight but know that someone else has made changes on your device, all kinds of worries can form.
And your transparency can be the key to removing their insecurity!
In practice this means doing everything possible to ensure the customer is completely aware of what you’re doing and why, at the main points of your tech support process.
Without Transparency Customers Will Take Negative Action
What would you think happens, when customers are insecure and have no transparency on the tech support they’ve received?
They’ll notice one way or another that something has happened on their device. But they won’t know what it is.
Their first action might be to try and call you.
Explaining everything you did to improve their feeling of insecurity takes a lot of time, and will interrupt tasks you’re working on at the time.
If they can’t reach you, your customer may begin making changes on their device themselves. And their trust in you will be lessened.
In case their changes cause an issue to re-appear, they may have second thoughts about contacting you again to ask for help, even though it wasn’t your fault.
Putting everything you did in written form directly in front of them is much easier.
Existing Workarounds Do Not Solve the Problem
With all of that in mind – how should we go about improving transparency?
You could perhaps write a message on the customer’s device – using a common program such as Notepad, Text Editor, or Word.
But this runs the risk of creating a bad impression, as the customer might feel that you have gone into their private space, which is not relevant to the tech support.
It could also simply be overlooked – as there is nothing obvious about programs such as those that suggests it is related to the tech support.
The feedback from many TeamViewer users is that a dedicated note feature would greatly simplify this method of communication.
Because of this feedback, we made sure that TeamViewer 12 includes Remote Sticky Notes!
How to Create a Remote Sticky Note
Ready to clearly and easily communicate with customers by leaving a message during a remote support session?
Great! Follow these steps:
1. During a remote control session, click Actions | Leave note in the tool bar of the Remote Control window.

- The Sticky Note text field will pop up.

2. Enter your notes in the text field.
- All notes will be directly visible to your customer. It will continuously be displayed after the remote session has been closed.
What Notes Should You Create on Customers’ Devices?
Now that you’ve got the right tools at your disposal, what kinds of notes should be created for customers?
If a customer needs to leave their device in your capable hands, creating a note during a session to describe all the actions you’ve taken will ensure they know what’s going on when they pop back to their desk.
Then - once you’ve finished - you can leave that note, remaining visible on the customer’s desktop after the remote session has ended.
In this you can let them know what you’ve done, and what any next steps are.
In addition to that, include your preferred contact information in case something crops up again on the customer’s device.
Any ideas on what notes will you create, already? Let’s share ideas in the discussion area below!