Install GPO Users or computers



I Have a strong problem with my GPO ...

I try to install TeamViewer_Host-idcXXXXXXX.msi with a GPO for all my users, I have check the case for install when the session start. But the problem happen at this moment.

I try to log on my session (Windows 10) but I see the text "Welcome" and I wait more than 5min but nothing happen.  (between 5sec normally).

I have to press the power off button for shutdown the computer and restart him. After that I can log on my session and I see my TeamViewer was installed.

I don't understand where can from the problem ?


When I try to deploy my TeamViewer by the computers, I have an other problem. Nothing happen, I juste know the installation have a problem but they don't tel me what is the problem ...

If someone can help me, I have try a lot of issues but nothing ...


Thank you !

(Sorry for my english, I'm not very good and tired ^^' )