Logging into a remote desktop if the password changed


I am attempting to log in to my desktop remote. I have all sign on information, how can I find out what my partner computer password changed to? Is there a way to find this out if I'm the one who set up the accounts?


  • DesertSweeper
    DesertSweeper Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Of course not - if you could find that out so could someone else. But your question makes little sense anyway - if you are the one who set them up you should know the password. If someone changed it at the remote just ask them what they changed it to

  • sourpickle

    I need help with this also.... I would like remote access to my computer at any time.  If My computer restarts at any time the password changes.  Can I set up a permanent password?  I cannot use remote access if I am not at the computer and able to see what the temporary password has changed to.  How does this make any sense?  

  • DesertSweeper
    DesertSweeper Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Yes - you need to set up "Unattended Access". OPen Teamviewer and click "Connection" drop-down menu (top-left) and select "Setup unattended Access" and walk through the Wizard. It will ask you for a password as partof the setup.

  • sourpickle

    Great! This worked! Thank you so much!!!