Quick support Module in combination with normal teamviewer

People we are working with, use teamviewer clients for internal system support as well, They only have an ID, as their password is preset by their own support staff, which they dont know. At that point, we cannot help the person as we cannot install the QS client, but we also cannot enter their teamviewer, as we dont know their password, they dont know it either and we cannot shut down teamviewer because their own support wont allow it.

Isnt there any other option for us, to make this QS module work or is there some sort of other module that could work with this? To give a further explenation of my problem:

I'm working at business A, we give support to our customers with certaint software. Our customers are people working in another company, Business B. In business B, there is a own support staff for the computers hardware and software, they have teamviewer pre installed, with a certain password set.

I'm trying to support someone at business B, but i cant intall the QS module, as there is  a teamviewer active (giving the url, executing the quiksupport.exe gives a error, that there already is a version of teamviewer installed. We cannot deactive the teamviewer, as its a company teamviewer, but the person on the other side, is just an employee and doesnt know the password ( in his teamviewer, he only sees an ID).


Any Ideas how we can resolve this problem? Or is this not possible? ( if something is unclear and needs further explaining, please ask. English isnt my first language.)


  • tmcgraw
    tmcgraw Posts: 1

    I belive in the host you can allow a randow password as well as a static.  See if their IT staff can enable that for their PC that you are trying to access.  This way you have access without them having to divulge their super passowrd.