Remove Multiple Computers

SuperDOS Posts: 12 ✭✭
edited November 2021 in General questions


Is there someway to "bulk remove" serveral computers from the Team Viewer Management Console? it's tedious to remove many computers by hand as for now...

Best Answers



  • SuperDOS
    SuperDOS Posts: 12 ✭✭

    Yes that's a workaround, hope this will be implemented in the future.


  • davidblum
    davidblum Posts: 4 ✭✭

    as of today this does not work in corporate web console :(

    @DomLan wrote:

    Hi SuperDOS,

    I do not know if this is the correct answer, but you might try (i suggest you try on a small set of devices).

    Create a dummy group;
    Select multiple devices;
    Use the button to move items to the dummy group;
    Delete the dummy group.

    Repeat: I do not know if this is the correct answer, but this operation has been requested some times in ideas site, and marked as implemented (??)


    as of today this does not work in corporate edition web console

  • GarethW
    GarethW Posts: 1

    Hi Scotty,

    Just wanted to say thanks for this response. I've got 900+ computers to remove and was not looking forward to doing it by hand!

    Will give this method a go!

  • pdccnethead
    pdccnethead Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I attempted this method and, when I tried to delete the group, I was greeted with a message that said I couldn't delete the group because it was not empty.

    Still have many "unnamed" and really "non-existent" computers showing up in my management console. Would just like to clean them out.

  • dc8
    dc8 Posts: 1

    open each computers property and delete that computer from your list

  • mallen
    mallen Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Trying to remove the dummy group gives an error saying. Please remove computers from the group.

  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    Hi mallen,

    I am sorry you are having trouble.

    The solution does work as confirmed by other users above although it is the long way around.

    Note that I did not say to delete a group as this does not work. I said to create a new account, then a new group in that account, share and move the devices, then delete the new account - not the group.

    In this case, it is not a case of the length of time users have been asking. It's about security. If bulk delete was possible, development is worried that one rogue agent or one mistake could easily wipe an entire contacts list.

    This is in as a feature request. And yes, there is also talks of better methods for stopping accidental or malicious deletion but please understand this is not simply a case of adding the feature or the number of times or duration you have been asking.


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  • SuperDOS
    SuperDOS Posts: 12 ✭✭

    The easiest way to make sure you don't have someone by mistake removing a bulk of users/computer is using MFA to elevate this type of execution.

  • davidblum
    davidblum Posts: 4 ✭✭

    What is MFA :P ?


    The easiest way to make sure you don't have someone by mistake removing a bulk of users/computer is using MFA to elevate this type of execution.


  • davidblum
    davidblum Posts: 4 ✭✭

    I'm sorry....

    This was a feature request before V13 was out months ago... don't you guys have anything better to propose more than 6 months later ?

    I have more than 200 rogue computers that are an issue and this happens also for  reassigned computers or migrated computers  which clone themselves in the process ... (e.g : To a new Hypervisor)...

    i believe DEV could consider another way at least in the Web console for a company administrator.... .. The Company Administrator should have a bit more rights and flexibility. to me the statement about Rogue agent is valid at some point but inappropriate if you look at any other decent IT management product on the market...

  • SuperDOS
    SuperDOS Posts: 12 ✭✭


    What is MFA :P ?


    The easiest way to make sure you don't have someone by mistake removing a bulk of users/computer is using MFA to elevate this type of execution.


    Multi-Factor Authentication :)

    Would be pretty simple to implment with either a SMS service or Googles Authentication App.

  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    Hi Everyone,

    If it helps, one of our supporters has posted a powershell script that will allow you to delete groups if you would prefer. You can find this in our Knowledge Base here

    As I said before, this is in as a feature request and being discussed as part of enterprise upgrades, but I cannot change my answer that it is not currently a feature, this is being passed on.


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  • davidblum
    davidblum Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Thank you !

  • Leeham
    Leeham Posts: 1

     Hi guys,

    I cannot see a delete option when clicking Edit profile on the created account.

    Any suggestions?

  • it4logistics
    it4logistics Posts: 2 ✭✭
    this workaround doesnt work, only empty groups are deleteable in this moment! :-(
  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠


    Yes, they do.

    Please read the instructions again as I advised to delete the new account, not the group.

    1. Create a new account
    2. Create a group owned by the new account and share this group with full control to the account with devices to be deleted.
    3. Bulk move all the items to the shared group (This requires full control of the group you are copying from)
    4. Delete the new account (this must be done by logging in as this user under "edit profile" - "Remove" under user management does not delete an account)

    The PS script in the KB article also works on devices with groups in them.


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  • it4logistics
    it4logistics Posts: 2 ✭✭

    thx. :-)

  • bcatoe
    bcatoe Posts: 13 ✭✭

    This workaround is more than 18 months old.  Can Teamviewer not simply make a change that allows us to delete a group that isn't empty?   A bulk move to a "trash" group, then delete the group (with an appropriate warning) seems like a simple fix.  Either that, or use the same multi-select and give an option to delete account (perhaps under Tools).

    Come on guys, this can't be hard to implement.

  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @bcatoe

    As I have already explained, it is not that simple sorry. It has also been waaaay longer than 18 months, it has just been in the Community for 18 months.

    As I previously stated above:  it is not a case of the length of time users have been asking. It's about security. If bulk delete was possible, development is worried that one rogue agent or one mistake could easily wipe an entire contacts list.

    This is in as a feature request. And yes, there is also talks of better methods for stopping accidental or malicious deletion but please understand this is not simply a case of adding the feature or the number of times or duration you have been asking.

    We have a PS script that can be used, the workaround provided or you can just place the old contacts in a "Trash" group.

    Thank you for your understanding.


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  • bcatoe
    bcatoe Posts: 13 ✭✭

    Scotty, thank you for the prompt reply.

    If the bulk delete, or delete of a non-empty group, presented a  "Warning!!  This group is not empty, are you sure you wish to delete.  This action cannot be undone", then that should cover their concerns.  We are admins, many of our actions have the ability to do great damage if not done properly.  Do they think we can't do the same damage using the powerscript?   

    If Dev has decided that this feature request will not be implemented, then state it as such.  I initially read it as something that just hadn't been implement yet and so this user-created workaround was offered in the meantime.

  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠


    I have not had any reports that development have said it will definitely not happen. I am not going to say it definitely will not happen when by nature of development, with enough requests they might implement it.

    And yes, I agree the same damage can be done by the PS script, but only by someone who can generate the keys needed.

    In any case, I can only tell you what I have been told as to why it has not been implemented before, explain the workarounds and tell you that it is in as a feature request. But I cannot say if or when it will be implemented.



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  • pdccnethead
    pdccnethead Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Step 4 doesn't make sense. If you log in as the "new account" (from Step 1) and go to "Edit Profile", there is no option to "delete" the new account.

    Am I missing something?

  • bcatoe
    bcatoe Posts: 13 ✭✭

    The Powerscript solution was pretty easy, and worked well.  I recommend that until/unless they build something directly into the UI.    

    I created a folder named TRASH, I bulk move whichever ones I want into that group, then run the powershell script, copy/paste the token ID, select the Trash folder, boom, gone.

    REWINC Posts: 3 ✭✭
    Why is this still not a feature? I just upgraded and still cannot do this from what I can tell. I know im reviving an old post, but ... if I am here stuck looking for a solution, then it is either a user error, or a software flaw.
  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @REWINC

    I have already gone over why it is not a feature and that it is in as a feature request.

    1. It is to stop griefing
    2. we have other options, but only for advanced users to make sure it is not done in error
    3. There is really no actual need to delete devices. You can create a trash group and put the old devices in it, this will not lock out anyone else or impact functionality.

    I am sorry I cannot give you a better answer.


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    REWINC Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Thank you for your reply. I think it is still important to remember that I am responding as a customer and not merely some IT guy, this is feedback, so if I feel there is a need, don't you think that is something Teamviewer should take more into consideration?

    Not every situation is the same obviously.

    The 3 reasons given make no sense to me, so if I am missing something, I welcome any feedback on my misunderstanding. This is the problem I have with those reasons:

    1. Griefing: I imagine you are talking about other  users that were given access could mass delete objects screwing the company over.
      • If every software company made a decision based on this, we would have no features at all. I subscribe to several other software companies for online portal access that also gives access to users/employees. They simply add a group based system where I can simply check a box that determines if they have ability to modify or not. It doesn't need to be used, but if I want to, I can. Again, this can be done regardless, if someone wanted to grief, one by one.
    2. Only for Advanced Users: I am not aware of many "normal users" of this software that could accidently select multiple objects, then accidently drop down a menu, then accidently hit delete all, then accidently hit YES to the confirmation in several successive actions. If that user exists and he is managing or using your Teamviewer portal, that is a training problem, not a software problem. 
      • This could be mitigated by above solution
    3. There is No Need: I beg to differ, as a customer. I am busy enough, I don't want more steps to do a simple function that is available in most software. I think the customer should determine if they need a function or not. Why create a shadow system (which is essentially the same thing) to patch up what is lacking? If "griefing" is a problem, then this solution does not fix that problem, because I would be totally griefed already if someone did this to all my objects.
      • This could be mitigated by above solution as wellI 

    I am sorry too, but as a customer, these reasons make no sense.


  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠


    As previously stated, this is currently not a feature of the software and although I have put this in as a feature request I cannot guarantee if or when it will become a feature.

    I have given our development teams reasoning above and forwarded your feedback to our development team.

    I have also given you 3 alternate options.
    1. Create a "Trash" group which requires very little action
    2. Bulk move to another account and delete the account
    3. The powershell script one of our supporters created using the API.

    There is no further assistance I can provide for this topic sorry.


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  • msg
    msg Posts: 27 ✭✭

    Long time TeamViewer user/admin/proponent/evangelist here.  Just wanted to throw in a +1 for this feature.  I was just going through old machine entries wanting to clean up my account and looking for a way to mass wipe.

    While I can understand the concerns for accidental deletion, I do agree that we need better admin tools and controls.  Maybe there could/should also be a way to backup or export our accounts/contents, as well as locking down operations we'd be able to perform under certain accounts.

    This is one of the things I hate about hosted, material designy stuff - very limited access to configuration compared to local administration utilities.  Local admin utilities usually seem to have some kind of export functionality, either csv, xml or some kind of database.  Not trying to open another can of worms here, but I'm of the same sentiment as above users - at this level, we're admins, not end users.

    For now I'll have to have a look at the workarounds.  Not ideal, but wha'cha gonna do.  Just gotta get the job done.

    At least the status shows us when the last connection was.