TeamViewer QuickSupport and AppLocker


if  "TeamViewer QuickSupport " is download, it will be installed in userprofile directory. What happens in Microsfoft AppLocker environment? Nothing, No Information for the User, but an event notification. Teamviewer can't start..
Is there a parameter to install in a programm-direcory.( exampl.: c:\Programme\TeamviewerQS)



  • For teamviewer you may try this:

    1. run TeamviewerQS.exe from an allowed path and let it fail due to applocker
    2. go to your TEMP folder ($ENV:TEMP) and look at the folder "Teamviewer"
    3. delete all EXE files except for Teamviewer.exe, tv_w32.exe and tv_x64.exe
    4. delete folder x64, you probably do not need that driver
    5. delete all localization resource dll files you do not need, we kept _en/_de/_uk
    6. keep TeamViewer_StaticRes.dll, tv_w32.dll and tv_x64.dll
    7. copy the folder to a path where execution is allowed. Check your ACLs
    8. run teamviewer.exe from that path.

    I have no clue why so many vendors _claim_ to be concerned about security but do not really support application whitelisting out of the box in 2019. Most of them will reply to you: "create an exception rule for our product"...