

My remote partner has video and sound running. I can access his PC screen and can hear the appropriate sound, but there is no video visible .

Would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.


  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @kia1 

    Could you please give some more details about the operating system you are trying to gain access to?  

    It is a MacOS?  If yes, did you enabled the Screen sharing capability from the Privacy settings menu?

    It is something else?

    Could you upload a screenshot but first hide the ID and Password?

    Thank you and I'm waiting for your reply

  • kia1
    kia1 Posts: 2

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    The remote site is a PC using up to date Windows 10.

    I was able to log in to a different site on the  remote site and get both video and sound, no problem. I can log in to this site directly using a foreign VPN. However the first site blocks access to VPN's. Could this be the issue?

    Thanks for your interest.