batch install for teamviewer vpn need help


hello help me with batch for teamviewer vpn instaltion

this vpn code is not working after geting its files from once you hit install vpn folder is created there you have to copy fast coz after installation finsihed its deleted so after copying files i  paste in C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\x86 as in code but batch not working

"C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\tv_w32.exe" --action install --event Local\DriverInstallFinishEvent_VPN --inf "C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\x86\TeamViewerVPN.inf" --id TEAMVIEWERVPN

this monitor driver code is working in batch

"C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\tv_w32.exe" --action install --event Local\DriverInstallFinishEvent_Monitor --inf "C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\x86\TVMonitor.inf" --id *PNP09FF



  • AndreasA

    I've got the same problem.....any ideas?

  • AndreasA


    Is it possible to install the VPN Driver automaticly without user action? For roll-out for several pc's i want to do this by a command line.


    Answer from Teamviewer Support:

    Thank you very much for sending us your requests.
    At this point the TeamViewer VPN driver can only be installed many on each device.
    I will forward your suggestion to our product management. Such ideas are always welcome, although I can not promise when or if this Feature will be implemented, as the decision is based on public demand. Nevertheless, your feedback is very important to us as we want to continue to develop TeamViewer based on our user's needs and demands. 

  • gurrumichi


    your code is wrong this is the one code line that it works in my OS information Window 7 X64 team viewer version 15.4. this is your code and compare what you did wrong. i guess that your are using 32 bit OS thats way your are using tvw32 exe if does not work try to use my code second below and just change tv_w32.exe for tv_x64.exe 


    "C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\tv_w32.exe" --action install --event Local\DriverInstallFinishEvent_VPN --inf "C:\Program Files\TeamViewer\x86\TeamViewerVPN.inf" --id TEAMVIEWERVPN


    and  this is my code that install VPN drivers and Adapter Successfully


    "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\tv_x64.exe" --action install --inf "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\x64\teamviewervpn.inf" --id TEAMVIEWERVPN


    and if you wanna to uninstall VPN drivers use this command line 

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\tv_x64.exe" --action remove --id TEAMVIEWERVPN

    but if you wanna use command line you can do this way 

    @echo off
    tv_x64.exe --action install --inf \x64\teamviewervpn.inf --id TEAMVIEWERVPN
    echo done!

    almost same way to uninstall it

    @echo off
    tv_x64.exe --action remove --id TEAMVIEWERVPN
    echo done!

    and if you want to install Teamviewer Silent just use unatended

    teamviewer.exe /S

    that's all greetings i hope it works for you