Hold down key and click


I use some software which requires me to hold down the o key and then click the mouse.

For some reason, when I try to do this remotely via Teamviewer, it doesn't work.

Any ideas?!


  • JohnIsCool_07

    I have the same issue. I am trying to do something remotly on my computer from my phone, and it requires holding down W. Using the iOS on screen keyboard, I can't hold down W. I used the windows on screen keyboard, still can't hold W. I can hold W on my computer by holding click on the W key, but this won't work from teamviewer.

  • wwein
    wwein Posts: 1

    I found a workaround by using AutoHotKey.


    For my purposes I needed to hold the V key down whilst clicking, so I need a long V press in combination with another key, rather than lots of tapping of the V key. My code for this is:

    send (v down)
    send (Click)
    send (v up)

    In English, this reads as:
    When I press CTRL SHIFT F9 then hold down the V key, then click whilst it is pressed, then release the V key, then stop.

    You can edit this for whatever key combination you care about.