How to set Ctrl-Alt-Del in tool bar?

Most of our users run Windows servers, so in order to support their request, the first thing to do *each* time is "Press Ctrl-Alt-Del" in order to log in.

How do I get this action right into the toolbar in order to make this a *single* click action?

I know where to find it. I want it to be a single click action every time, i.e. for every system.

I know, that it can be done, since on some system, where I connect to, there is this ctrl-alt-del in the top level on the tool bar.

Best Answer


  • tjthomps
    tjthomps Posts: 1

    My Send Key Combinations check box is checked but the Send  Ctrl+Alt+Del with the running man is not active and will not send Ctrl+Alt+Del.  What would cause the Send Ctrl+Alt+Del to be displayed but not activated?

  • Brick
    Brick Posts: 1

    I have same issue - can't get into the remote system because the running man icon is greyed out