I could not wake on lan a computer in Local lan


Hello,  I tried hard , configured everything as it explained in the tutorial.

WoL on target computer UP

TeamViewer on Target computer configured properly

Added Target computer to TV account alright.

Nothing happened at all.

First question

-am I correct thinking that in order to wake up a computer in my local network(my second computer at home)  or even to access it  I have to pass throw the TV server, i.e. I have to have a working internet connection?

-While to set up a connection to a working computer is quite  simple, to wake it up  on Lan

turned out an impossible busines. What could  be wrong?

If I understood correctly,  having setup everything on the target computer ans turned it down (asleep), I have to wake it up through the TV management console, right?

I pressed the button to no avail.

If you could help me


Thank you

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