Provide info to external person, however not having free access when not around to supervise

Hello all,

I don't know if this is the correct way to explain this, but I'll try.

In my company, they began thinking in purchasing a Business licence for Team Viewer, however, our main concern is that we have some clients that work for us (needless to note they are on a whole different network) and I've tried to search on documentation and the knowledge base on which are the best ways to limit their access.

This is as in: sometimes they ask for permission to access our servers and we grant them, however, we want to avoid giving the ID and Passcode everytime, but only allow them to connect to the server when we accept them (preferably without having to enter the server to press "Ok").

Is that possible? (Provided the person making the support also has a Team Viewer account and we can provide the server details to have it stored).


Thanks and best regards,