Renaming machines in Teamviewer

Irak Posts: 9 ✭✭

I have all my machines named to the location to where they are located. As these machine are repaired and moved the naming convention is no longer correct to their postition. . I need to kno how to Force MAchien toi update TeamViewer with their new names And how to change Teamviewer so the names are right?


  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi Irak,

    from your devices list you can rename all your device (field Alias).

    I suggest also to change name in each machine TeamViewer installation: Extra -> Option -> General -> Showed name.


    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder

  • ijorged
    ijorged Posts: 1

    I see the option, but it will not let me change the name of the machine.  Any advice?