Simpliest way to start remote session?


I support a number of people who have difficulty using computers, 

I have been using  GoToAssit, but often would spend the first 15 minutes helping my client start the session. So  I have made the switch to TeamViewer.and want to know the easiest way to start a remote access TmV session.

Note...I do NOT want to set up unattended sessions. I much prefer having THEM initiate the session. 

What would you suggest for both the initial session and subsequent sessions.?


  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @issaquah

    I believe the fastest method that meets your needs is the use of a QuickSupport module.

    Here you can find the description of this tool.

    Here the complete manual (version 12) of TeamViewer: on page 89 the use of the module, obviously customizable with the logo of your company.


    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder

  • issaquah
    issaquah Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Yes...thanks. Of course the trick is to get the QuickSupport module installed on the client's PC.

    I have found that sending them the unique link created by the module in the body of an email works OK. BUT....the initial download is VERY slow. Usually 2 minutes for a 14MB file. 

    One the module is run the first time, the SOS button is installed and it is fast after that.