TeamViewer quicksupport

I recently downloaded TeamViewer quicksupport on my device. You know how there's your ID and underneath it says "Send my ID". So I accidently clicked on "Send my ID", and I wanted to know that if I clicked on "Send my ID" then does it send my ID to anyone in the world and can they connect to me automatically? Also I uninstalled the app, but please tell me if I clicked on "Send my ID" accidently, then will it send my ID to anyone in the world and can they still connect to me after I even uninstalled the app. Please reply ASAP.

Best Answer


  • Siemran
    Siemran Posts: 1
    I want to change the id
  • ChromeSignage

    In order to use TeamViewer quick support, does the app have to be open? Or can it just be running in the background?


    (Sorry for replying to an old thread)