Teamviewer fraud


To whom this may interest,

So not to long ago someone with faul intent used my computer by remote access. 

Just to keep things short. Is there any way I could check or the support team could check for the origin(source) of a certain established connection?

This person let me install the black window driver so that he could go his way on my computer. I'm somewhat new to teamviewer so I just followed his steps. Yes I know this is a very stupid action of mine to let a stranger access on my computer. But I have known him for quite sometime, so therefore trusted him. He hijacked my google password database and thus logged into my e-mail and PayPal and so forth. 

Are teamviewer connections saved or recorded for security reasons? Since I'm trying to get my stolen money back on PayPal.but it's really difficult since the only proof I have are chat loggs. 

Anyway I hope I was clear enough about this.

Kind regards,


Best Answer


  • thinworthy
    thinworthy Posts: 1

    I called for service in april 6,2018 and as of July 9th ,2018 the money the guy had me spent was well over $3,500. i have dates, times and names (if they are true).

    I just want to track these people down and get my money back. They tried to refund my $44300 back but the dummy put $3,000 in my bank account. Then he had me runing all over town for Steam, ITunes, Google Play debit cards for me to reimburse hem back the overage. Well, once tht was to be done, they kept telling me I needed to get $500, then $1,000 and another $1000 in cards for some interstate taxes and some kind of federal regist. fee. Now my rent is wa past due and I'd like my money to pay my landlord. I've been living here for 30 years with no tenant issues.

    Here are some names given: [information removed by moderator]

    [information removed by moderator]

    [information removed by moderator]and [information removed by moderator] in the refund dept.These 2 promised my I would get my money last week.

    If there is someone who can help, don't hersitate to call [information removed by moderator]

    Even a call saying you can't help me, would make me feel like a wanted child.

  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Former Community Manager

    Hi @thinworthy

    I am sorry to hear what happened to you!


    Please go to this page to find more information about scamming incl. a link to report the scam

    On top of that lease read this reply to get even more information. Let me cite from this reply:

    "We strongly recommend that affected victims contact their bank, a consumer protection organization and a trustworthy IT support company. In most cases, the payments that have been made can be refunded by the bank, and any malicious software installed by the callers can be removed by the IT support company. We can also determine and block the TeamViewer ID used by the scammers if we are provided with the victim's ID.

    To ensure that it is safe to use your computer again (for example, for online banking), we recommend having it checked by a local IT support company or a person you can trust."

    I hope these reply help you.

    All the best and stay safe, Esther

    Former Community Manager

  • Marc70
    Marc70 Posts: 1

    Dear All,

    This monday May 10 th 2021, my mother was remotely accessed by a hacker using Teamviewer. He said he was from a helpdesk of a local bank in the Netherlands and her money needed to be removed to a safe vault. She did not trust the man but eventually paniced and gave this guy access. He stole over €29000 - a big part of her savings. Is there any way Teamviewer could help us, in finding the IP adress of the hacker, which may help the police in this case. Ofcourse we allready have informed police and the real bank help desk. I will also email you @ fraud@teamviewer - the email account mentioned above. Just wondering, what kind of measures does Teamviewer take to prevent these malicious attacks on elderly people using your software ?

