Unable to install TeamViewer 12 as it stucks at creating a folder in TVInstallTemp.


Got this Error after updating to TV 12. Later fresh installation of TV 12,11,10...also resembles the same issue.


  • Also I tried to unistall it from "Control Panel" and the program, which was really installed though the installation wizard had freezed as commented before, and it just doesn't appear as an installed program. So I just can't uninstall it.

  • Maybe the problem is the dot in your username (Suresh.K02). We tried to install too, but we had the same problem. Tried to add a new user without any special character but it didn't work. Only Windows reinstall and a new username helped for us. :/

  • I was with an old version and clicked upgrade to 12 and then I decided to go back to the old version and uninstalled and now I can not install in a version.

    can you help me?

  • My user has no point and is still giving the same message.

  • W_deFazio
    W_deFazio Posts: 22 Staff member 🤠

    Hello SureshSkanda,

    Thank you for your post.

    This issue you described could be caused by corrupted registry keys left behind by a faulty installation, or a Windows update. 

    Please try the following:


    -Remove any versions of TeamViewer via the add/remove programs option from Control Panel.

    -Go to Regedit: remove the full TeamViewer folders located in

    and if there the folder "TVInstallTemp" (also located in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\] )

    -Also, please delete the entire TeamViewer folder located in %temp%

    -Restart the machine.

    -Reinstall a fresh copy of TeamViewer from our website.

    I hope this solves the issue. 





  • tcox13
    tcox13 Posts: 1

    I had used TV8 and TV 10 with no issues. When I installed TV 12 on a new computer, I was told I needed to update myTV 10 to access the new computer. The upgrade failed quietly with no error messages, but TV 10 was inoperable. So I uninstalled TV10, and ran a registry cleaner (CCleaner) to get rid of all traces in the registry. When I tried to install TV12, it failed saying "An error has occurred", but giving no information what that error might have been. Now I am left with no TV functionality at all. This same process has happened now on two of my computers that had run TV 10 with no problems. 

    I used to be impressed with the quality of your product. Now I am completely disillusioned based on this sequence of failures by your product., Such poor quality control is inexcusable. I have wasted most of a day trying to make your product work to no avail.  I am off to seek a replacement for Team VIewer. If I am personally contacted by a representative of your company with a solution to this problem, I will try it again. Otherwise I see no reason to purchase a product with such poor quality control.

  • giladt
    giladt Posts: 1

    This solution works, Though at the process of doing it you actually discover what was the reason for the error to begin with..

    when trying to do this action:

    -Also, please delete the entire TeamViewer folder located in %temp%

    I have discovered that 2 files are being used by Java Update Scheduler (Not sure why) and by Microsoft Outlook (Probably for the team viewer widget)

    Closing these apps solved the issue.

  • gibit
    gibit Posts: 1

    I dont know why but after shutdown my vagrant boxes the installation works as expected! Hope can help one.

  • Teamviewer is cool and easy for helping people out, but it's kinda hard to help people out if the software only installs correctly on one computer. Their fix did not work on my "client's" computer. Shame...

  • KragenFlyverHøjt
    edited November 2021

    Hi i have the exact same issue.

    I have tried to delete all reg keys and temp folders. Restart and install again but it will not come further than the same picture @SureshSkanda shows.

    What can i do to get teamviewer on my pc?

    the OS is Windows 11.