Unauthorized Connection



Sorry I speak very bad English,

I got hacked last night. I was eating and coming back there was the message teamviewer that I use a free version ...

Like someone connected to my teamviewer.

Looking in the file teamviewer12_logfile.log, I found a connection with an IP address, address that seems to come from Melbourne in Florida in the USA.

I do not know how to interpret the log, but it lasted 16 minutes.

Is it possible? With the security that there is.

It's true that I let teamViewer go on to access my distance. But normalenent he asks to validate the new place of connection.

Yesterday evening I did not sleep and I'm on my nerves. Being heart, I do not feel good at all.

Si vous parler fancais c'est encore mieux.

Thank you


  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Posts: 242 [Former Staff]

    Hello @Christophe37,

    Thanks for your post.

    We are sorry to hear that someone may have connected to your computer without your authorization.

    As you may have already done, we do recommend to change your account passwords and maybe consider using 2 Factor Authentication or Black/White list for additional security.

    We cannot actually determine how or who connected to your computer in the Community, so we ask that you contact our privacy department at privacy@teamviewer.com

    Hope this is helpful,


  • Christophe37
    Christophe37 Posts: 3 ✭✭


    I tried to write to the support but the message came back telling me that it had to do with the comunity.
    I wrote to the purchase they told me that he could write in English about the comunity.

    And sorry but the email privacy@teamviewer.com just came back to me saying that it did not exist.

    Very sorry for my english.. :(

  • Jonathan
    Jonathan Posts: 242 [Former Staff]

    Hi @Christophe37,

    Thanks for your response.

    And not to worry about your English, it is excellent!

    Please try sending an email to privacy@teamviewer.com again, and let me know if you have the same result.



  • Christophe37
    Christophe37 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    OK thank you, I just sent it back and I received a support ticket. I hope he can reassure me.

    And if not, yes I had to change the password, and even several times, because hurry I had to make mistakes, but I started to suspect that the eventual hacker changed it too, but no mail, except for my requests.

    I activated the 2 security level, I did not see this option unfortunately.