Undelete a computer


I deleted a computer, in error.  Is there a way to undelete it or find out what its TeamViewer ID is and add it back?  I only have remote access at this time.


  • danielerlich

    I came upon your post when I tried to find a solution for this as well, I think I found something that might help you:

    You log in to your "TeamViewer Management Console"

    In there:

    Click on your name (Profile) -> Edit profile -> Trusted Devices

    And there you should be able to see a list with the places you confirmed as trusted and one of them should be your deleted computer!

    I hope it helps!

  • JamesLee
    JamesLee Posts: 1

    I have the same problem.. It shows that I added it back in, but the name does not come up on list to connect to it. I can see all of my other computers by their "name". How do I see the computer name in my list again?