Raspberry Pi Console Display; RPi TeamViewer Host Automatic Update Setting


1) Teamviewer 15.9.5 runs on my RPi 3 Model B with Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.13 Stretch Lite and LDM lightdm 1.18.3-1.  TV works fine in LDM, but remote TV into the RPi TV Host doesn't work until LDM is started.  TV remote won't connect to the RPI's physical console display.  Is this expected, and how can it be corrected?

2) TV updates when apt update / apt upgrade is performed, but does TV automatically update itself separately from explicit apt update / apt upgrade?  I DO have the TV options configured to allow automatic updating.

But, I really DON'T want TV to auto update because everything is working perfectly (well, expect the console display issue) and I don't want anything to break!  Especially because the RPI's are headless, have static configs and never require any updates.

3) Which brings up another question, is TV on RPi treated differently than TV Windows Hosts that MUST be on the same version in order to allow remote connection?


