TeamViewer 12... Not Ready! Please Check Your Connection

Dom Posts: 14 ✭✭

*** Instructions for Debian / Ubuntu Based Operating Systems ***
If this happens to you then please launch Terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T)
Elevate to Root User in Terminal with sudo su -
Type in your password (NOTE: You will not see your password) and then press Enter / Return
=> The Username should now be root@your-system-id:~#
Enter the following command (as root user) sudo teamviewer daemon restart
=> This will force the TeamViewer Daemon to restart and "capture" the Internet Connection
=> Now TeamViewer will work until you restart your computer or shut it down and you will need to do this again.
=> If you set TeamViewer to run on system startup then TeamViewer will "capture" the Internet Connection and you will not need to do this every time.