Install TV on Arch Linux armv7 does not login after install


Hello, for about the last week or two.....after we install TV onto a Pi 3, and we type in our user/PW, it says it cannot connect.......just blows up.  Here are the exact instructions for our installs.   is there something we need to change?

# First install the dependencies
# you need root access for any of these commands! prepend sudo if needed

pacman -S fontconfig libsm libxinerama libxrender libxtst qt5-x11extras qt5-webkit qt5-quickcontrols qt5-declarative qt5-quickcontrols

#The arch packages don't install them where teamviewer expects, so fix that with:

ln -s /usr/lib/qt /usr/lib/qt5

# Go to en/download/linux/ to find the latest in "other systems" for "armv7 32bit"


tar xvf teamviewer-host_armhf.tar.xz
cd teamviewer
./tv-setup install

then start by,    teamviewer setup