Raspbian: Password and ID problems

DanielStm Posts: 224 Staff member 🀠

Hi everybody,

I wanted to give you an update on the password and ID issues:

As you have reported, the problem only exists on Raspbian. Meanwhile I could confirm that it only happens on recent images of Raspbian. As old images with all updates installed behave as intended, I consider this a bug in Raspbian. If it was intentional, they probably would have changed it for updated installations, too.

The observed change is that recent Rasbians no longer have the file /var/lib/dbus/machine-id and the file /etc/machine-id is no longer static, but randomly changed with every reboot.

We will implement a solution on our side, avoiding this dependency on distribution-specific behavior. Please understand that a well-implemented and well-tested update will take a few weeks. Thanks for your patience and support!

Linux Developer

Best Answer


  • Noclad
    Noclad Posts: 1

    Thanks, created headaches for me wondering if I had entered the wrong password...

    Please update this post whenΒ https://pages.teamviewer.com/published/raspberrypi/ has been updated with a new version with a fix for this.


  • generik99
    generik99 Posts: 2

    The machine-id change in Raspbian has also cause problems with other packages. I was able to workaround the problem with the following steps.

    Seems as if the machine-id tmpfs filesystem (which is what's causing the machine-id to change on every reboot) is only created if the actual file doesn't exist in the filesystem.

    1. back up the current machine-id:

    sudo cp /etc/machine-id /etc/machine-id.old

    2. unmount the machine-id tmpfs filesystem (recently introduced in raspbian):

    sudo umount /etc/machine-id

    3. replace the unmounted filesystem with the backup:

    sudo cp /etc/machine-id.old /etc/machine-id

    4. Reboot the pi and reset the teamviewer password one last time.

    I've tried this on a few Pis running the latest Raspbian update, both the IDs and Passwords are now preserved between reboots.

    More details on the machine-id issue here:


  • Ravenheld
    Ravenheld Posts: 1

    Works just fine !

    Thanks A LOT :)

  • higherbeats
    higherbeats Posts: 1 ✭
    edited November 2021

    hello there, i am new here.

    my problem is, that TV does not even give me an ID. I also connaot bind an account to it. :-(

    is there anybody here who had the same problem? ( i am also a Raspi noob, but i am reading and willing to learn ;-) )

    thanx in advance