TeamViewer daemon error and no ID after updating to 13.2

rbenic Posts: 8 ✭✭

Hello everyone,

after updating TeamViewer to version 13.2.13582 from the official Ubuntu PPA, TeamViewer no longer shows the system ID and random password, it just shows dashes for blank.

Running teamviewer --info results in an error:

TeamViewer 13.2.13582 (DEB)

TeamViewer ID:
Try restarting the TeamViewer daemon (e.g. teamviewer --daemon restart)

initctl: Unknown job: teamviewerd
teamviewerd status n/a (error)

The same error happens on three of my devices (two running Linux Mint 17.3 KDE, and one running Kubuntu 18.04).

I've tried restarting the TeamViewer daemon (sudo teamviewer daemon restart), restarting the system, uninstalling and reinstalling TeamViewer, deleting all configuration files, as well as downgrading TeamViewer to 13.1.8286. Nothing worked.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer


  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @rbenic,

    what are the permissions for the file /etc/init.d/teamviewerd.sysv?


    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder

  • rbenic
    rbenic Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Thanks for the reply @DomLan,

    there is no file /etc/init.d/teamviewerd.sysv on any of the three systems. I also checked a fourth system which works (Xubuntu 16.04), and it does not have this file either.

  • DomLan
    DomLan Posts: 490 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @rbenic,

    so, recapitulating: you have four systems of which three are not working. I imagine they are virtual machines, but that does not matter. You will certainly have checked the connectivity so the machines will certainly reach the internet. In the case of physical machines, the problem does not arise.

    Two problems:
    - do not detect ID and password;
    - if you try to use teamviewer info, you need to have the daemon started and the daemon is not even present.

    I would say try to focus only on the first if you have patience:
    - try to physically connect to one of the Mint machines (Debian) and not passing via SSH;
    - start TeamViewer and log in, possibly validating the device via email;
    - calls Extras -> Options -> Security and changes the option for defining the password;
    - restart TeamViewer.

    If you use the machines only for remote access via TV, check also among the advanced options the one related to the generation of the password, varying it from "Keep the previous one" to "Generate a new password"

    If you do not solve, I suggest you uninstall and reinstall it starting from an official .deb using this guide; this will also install the repositories for future versions.


    Domenico Langone

    MCSD: App Builder

  • DominikL
    DominikL Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I believe I'm seeing the same issue here on two debian machines. Also, I don't see my contacts and the login button is disabled. In my case though, if I reinstall the package, teamviewer workes for the rest of the session. So, everytime I startup my machine, I need to reinstall the teamviewer package before I'm able to use it. 

  • rbenic
    rbenic Posts: 8 ✭✭


    all four systems are actually physical machines, and all can be accessed directly as well. They are all connected to the same network. One is connected via ethernet, the other three are via Wi-Fi.

    I'm not using SSH either, I'm accessing all the machines directly. I can change settings, but I still cannot get the ID and password to be shown. The TeamViewer interface does not allow me to log in, either.

    I've also tried restarting the three faulty systems a few times, and a couple of times TeamViewer seems to work (it displayed an ID and a random password, but I have not tried connecting to it), but most of the time it does not. I already tried reinstalling as well, and it did not work.

    Also, running teamviewer --info displays the correct ID now instead of the message "Try restarting the TeamViewer daemon", but the TeamViewer GUI still does not display the ID.

  • rbenic
    rbenic Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Update: I've uninstalled and reinstalled TeamViewer on all three systems, this time making sure to erase every left over file from previous installations: configuration, logs, cache, the PPA from sources.list.d, everything, even the desktop icon.

    On the Mint 17.3 systems, TeamViewer still does not work most of the time.

    On the Kubuntu 18.04 system, TeamViewer seems to be working fine now, except it runs in a window on startup instead of the system tray icon. That's a really minor issue and I can live with it, but if someone knows how to fix this, I'd appreciate it as well.

  • clawson
    clawson Posts: 1

    Same problem here. After upgrading to version 13.2 i got no ID and the login button is gray.

  • BrunoR
    BrunoR Posts: 1

    Same problem for me on "Linux Mint LMDE2" until I do "sudo /etc/init.d/teamviewerd restart"
    Not automatic but it runs for the session.

  • DominikL
    DominikL Posts: 2 ✭✭
    Confirmed. Instead of reinstalling the package, restarting the daemon is sufficient.
  • rbenic
    rbenic Posts: 8 ✭✭

    @BrunoR, @DominikL, is there any way to automate this? Just checked and it works for me as well. I've tried autostarting this command on boot, but it doesn't work.

  • benru89
    benru89 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Exactly the same behaviour on my ubuntu 18.04. Im glad i found this because i was going mad purging and reinstalling. Restarting the service does work for me but it is annoying to have to connect trough ssh to do that every time.

  • benru89
    benru89 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    @rbenic where did you get the previous version? i cant find it...

  • rbenic
    rbenic Posts: 8 ✭✭

    @benru89, you can get old versions of TeamViewer from the PPA.

    To enable the TeamViewer PPA on your system, create a file named teamviewer.list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d and paste the following code into it (replace 'main' with 'tv13', if you want to stay on version 13 when 14 gets released):

    deb stable main
    deb preview main

    After that, run this command to fetch the list of packages from the PPA (it will ask for your password):

    sudo apt-get update

    Afterwards, run this command to install TeamViewer (you can replace 13.1.8286 with any other version available from the PPA).

    sudo apt-get install teamviewer=13.1.8286

    To get a list of all available versions, run this command:

    apt-cache policy teamviewer

    You may also want to download the .deb package so you can install it on another computer. To do that, run this command (again, you can replace 13.1.8286 with any other version number):

    apt-get download teamviewer=13.1.8286

    To prevent APT from upgrading TeamViewer, refer to my solution from 7 posts above.

  • rbenic
    rbenic Posts: 8 ✭✭

    @benru89, you can get old versions of TeamViewer from the PPA.

    To enable the TeamViewer PPA on your system, create a file named teamviewer.list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d and paste the following code into it (replace 'main' with 'tv13', if you want to stay on version 13 when 14 gets released):

    deb stable main
    deb preview main

    After that, run this command to fetch the list of packages from the PPA (it will ask for your password):

    sudo apt-get update

    Afterwards, run this command to install TeamViewer (you can replace 13.1.8286 with any other version available from the PPA).

    sudo apt-get install teamviewer=13.1.8286

    To get a list of all available versions, run this command:

    apt-cache policy teamviewer

    You may also want to download the .deb package so you can install it on another computer. To do that, run this command (again, you can replace 13.1.8286 with any other version number):

    apt-get download teamviewer=13.1.8286

    To prevent APT from upgrading TeamViewer, refer to my solution from 7 posts above.

  • benru89
    benru89 Posts: 3 ✭✭

    After a couple of months i wanted to give a try to see if this was solved in TV14 but the bug is still there. Everything is fine after installation but once you reboot TV wont work again. I had to revert to TV13.1 again