Unreliable initial connection on Fedora30


I've started using Fedora30 as my main gaming PC OS at home.

I have a 4 bay SSD drive caddy that allows me to have my windows 10 install on 2 disks and my fedora30 install on the other 2 disk and i just shutdown and plugin whichever disks (OS) I want to boot into.

This is a long winded way of saying 'identical hardware'.

When using Windows and teamviewer I have NEVER had any issues connecting into my home PC's.

Wehn using Fedora30 I get nothing but issues and error messages when atempting to make the initial connection. Its as if the teamviewer client on linux isnt permanently 'listening' for incomming connections and so if you dont make a connection attempt at the exact time it will not connect and I usually get some error about could not connect to router or some other error message.

If i spam the connect button enough it will eventually connect or I'll get the other message about I've tried too many connection attempts and I need to wait.

If i then try to connect to my wifes windows 10 latop, it will connect immediately and first time without any issues.

To me that indicates there are issues with the linux client.

Is this a known issue? are there any workarounds to improve the connection rate on linux?



  • Jams01
    Jams01 Posts: 1

    I have a similar problem to connect to a pc with fedora 30. The first connection attempt always fails.
    When I try to connect the first time, TeamViewer on fedora shows nothing (I mean, no connection incoming is reported) and then, the connection fails with WaitforConnectFailed error, but now Teamviewer (in fedora) reports an incoming connection (I mean when connection fails, incoming connection is reported), so if I try to connect a second time it now works. I have tested connecting from different devices (Linux, windows, android), and the behavior is the same.
    But, the problem does not finish here, if I disconnect, TeamViewer still reports and incoming connection, and if I connect again, I get a black screen. The "solution" is to restart TeamViewer service.

    OS: Fedora 30
    Kernel version:
    TeamViewer version: 14.7.1965
    I have port 5938 configured in the firewall