Hi there,
We have just released an update of TeamViewer Host for Raspberry Pi.
Even though we have a repository in place, this update needs manual intervention. There are two reasons for this:
- We upgraded the key used to sign the repository meta data to meet today's security needs
- The update might change your TeamViewer ID. This is a one-time event.
We could, of course, roll out the new signature in two phases (first, include the new public key in an update, second use the new key some weeks later), but that might leave some people wondering why they can't connect to their RasPi anymore after the update.
So we decided that you have to manually trigger the update and be able to handle the ID change.
There are two ways to do this:
- The most straight-forward way is to just download the new release and install it.
- If you prefer, you can also just add our new signature key and then trigger the update.
As superuser, run:
wget -O - https://download.teamviewer.com/download/linux/signature/TeamViewer2017.asc | apt-key add -
apt update
apt upgrade
Please also read:
Linux Board: TeamViewer Linux Host preview for PC and RasPi
Knowledge Base: How to install TeamViewer Linux Host for PC and RasPi
All the best,