XUbuntu/ tar.gz - unattended access - "not properly installed"


On a fresh XUbuntu 16.04 install I have installed Teamviewer 11 from tar.gz, because I have run into the problem with Teamviewer not connecting that has been mentioned in this forum in various topics.

Now, when I try to setup unattended access - ie. just a permament password I get a message that Teamviewer is not properly installed.

Installation from deb has gone into /opt/teamviewer, so I have moved this aside and unpacked the tar into the same folder location.

I have this script to start Teamviewer up:


Description = TeamViewer remote control daemon
After = NetworkManager-wait-online.service network.target network-online.target dbus.service
Wants = NetworkManager-wait-online.service network-online.target
Requires = dbus.service

Type = forking
PIDFile = /var/run/teamviewerd.pid
ExecStart = /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/teamviewerd -d
Restart = on-abort
StartLimitInterval = 60
StartLimitBurst = 10

WantedBy = multi-user.target

Any ideas?

