teamveiwer 14 keyboard/mouse problem

rift1 Posts: 1

hi, the computer im trying to control is running linux mint 19.04, the one im connecting with runs windows 8.1. both have teamveiwer 14. i can see the linux computers screen, but the mouse and keyboard dont work. although when i hover the linux cursor over text, the windows cursor acts like its hovering over text and changes to the "I" cursor. please help




  • Mark123
    I have the same Problem nur on Windows.My Mouse is hanging in the Right top Corner and moves just without any Input from me.I can Open The Contex-Menu and Keyboard Windows key is opening the Start Menu nur i cant move the mouse.

    Any Help?
  • Sergiu01


    When you are connected, just take a look on the right  bottom corner, where info  about connection it is and make sure that  is not grey  by mistake  in stand of blue cursor. 

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