TeamViewer 13 Client Will Not Let me Sign In



  • mda400
    mda400 Posts: 2 ✭✭

    13.1 still works. its 13.2 that starts having this issue. I run a Server 2016 with MDT vm and Windows 10 pre-release vm at the same time, so I disabled automatic updates for now.

    I've experimented with removing the additional virtual ethernet connections, disabling Enhanced Session mode, disabling memory integrity (Win defender virtualization-based security), disabling/re-enabling Hyper-V feature as above (which teamviewer will allow sign in until i start a VM so it likely has something to do with a service Hyper-V is using that the new 13.2 TV version doesn't play well with). and no luck.

  • fcjbispo
    fcjbispo Posts: 1

    I tried this solutions and for a while it seems to be working. But when in the very moment i did put a VM to boot.. Boom! Teamviewer blocked the login fields! **bleep**!!!
  • TheDeadLotus
    TheDeadLotus Posts: 6 ✭✭
    Sorry @fcjbispo I don't run VM's so I'm of no help. :'(
  • stargate
    stargate Posts: 1

    This is not a SOLUTION it's a WORKAROUND!!!!

    Can someone please remove the "Solved" mark from this thread so devs come back to this issue again?

  • Sudrigian
    Sudrigian Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I'm having the same problem in linux, runing Ubuntu 18.04.

  • Toast
    Toast Posts: 1

    It actually related to the Hyper-V network adapters, not Hyper V as a whole. Disable the Hyper-V network adapters. Then you can login. Once logged in, you can enable the adapters again.

    Update: Complete work around.

    1. Open Control Panel.
    2. Select Network and Internet
    3. Click Network and Sharing Center.
    4. Click Change Adapter Settings
    5. Right-click your Primary network adpater and select Properties.
    6. Click the Sharing tab.
    7. Check the Allow other network user to connect through checkbox.
    8. Under the home networking connection, select the Hyper-V Default Switch.

    For whatever reason, some programs (such as TeamViewer) want to use the Hyper-V Default Switch.

  • kimenemark
    kimenemark Posts: 11 ✭✭

    As stated above I'm a licensed Teamviewer user.

    I contacted support even before I eventually came up with the workaround (read above) because I couldn't wait (customers needed my help :smileywink:).I sent them several log dumps and exlained my problems and findings in several emails after which they created a ticket.
    I have also pointed them to this thread where I told they could find more information from other users.

    I have not heard from them in a while though... been too busy!

  • evanly
    evanly Posts: 14 ✭✭

    There have been other posts about this before, but still no fix.

    When Hyper-V is enabled in Windows 10 Pro, I am unable to sign into my TeamViewer Account in the desktop app. This NOT is a new issue, been around for at least the last couple of months/weeks - I can't quite nail down when it started, but I'd say late July.

    I don't think the Hyper-V feature set within Windows should be preventing TeamViewers functionality - in fac,t it never used to, and I can still connect to remote systems via ID/password. It's just the account/contact list features - crazy.

    And before it's suggested - no, I don't want to remove and re-add the Hyper-V features and restart just so I can get my TeamViewer contact list - only to have it logged out and locked out when I use Hyper-V again. That's absurd.

    I find is rediculous that there is not whisper of a fix for this, after months and many posts.
    I'd love to enable Insider Builds on the off-chance this is fixed, but I can't sign in to enable this!

    TeamViewer, please advise us on a fix for this.

    Main other thread on this:

  • evanly
    evanly Posts: 14 ✭✭
    While i'm appreciative of @kimenemark posting this, this is not actually a solution, and it does not prevent the issue from recurring.

    TeamViewer should NOT require this for such incredibly basic functionality.
  • evanly
    evanly Posts: 14 ✭✭
    +1 Disabling/re-enabling Hyper-V feature as above works until I start a VM.

    Luckily, I only need VMs to do mission-critical operations. Not good enough.
  • DanZ
    DanZ Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Teamviewer is pile of dog **bleep**. What a fail. Can't you just fix the problem, it's been months as people were complaining and the problem is still there.

    I have the problem ON ALL OF MY PCs. All of them have the problem. EVERY SINGLE ONE has the problem. MacBook where I run windows (bootcamp), my windows desktop has the problem, and my ubuntu VM also has the same **bleep** problem. WHAT A PILE OF **bleep** seriously.

  • DanZ
    DanZ Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Even though it works, this absolutely cannot be marked as solution to the problem. It's a crytical bug in TV software that must be solved by them and not by us doing weird dances.

    I run VM all the time in HyperV, I absolutely cannot uninstall or turn it off, so TV sign-in for me basically does not work at all.

  • TWG
    TWG Posts: 1

    Hey Guys,

    I had a similar case and found out that in Options-->General(tab)-->Incoming lan connection I had "accept exclusively" selected.

    You might want to check that too.


  • oldgayracist

    I had the same issue

    os: ubuntu 16.04

    I went to Extras > Options > General

    in the 'Account assignment' I've tried to assign my account, but there was an error saying that niether name or password match (I double checked it was correct)

    rebooted pc

    after reboot I've started teamviewer, instantly saw the same arror message in the pop-up window and now I'm able to type in the inputs, nothing is greyed out.

    I hope it helps 

  • pacz
    pacz Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Hello DSperber,

    Did you ever resolve this issue?  I have the same set up with Ceton, WMC, HTPC.  TV will not let me sign in.  I just upgraded to TV14 and it still will not allow authentication?

    If it matters, TV worked perfectly before TV13.  So, something obviuously changed in these new versions.

  • Dultrawiz
    Dultrawiz Posts: 1

    I have WMC + Ceton Echos setup and have seen this issue as the few others above have.  the only way i am able to remote into the Main PC hosting the WMC content is by shutting down all the Cetons in the house and then i can remote just fine.  I agree this is not a solution and a very inconvient workaround but it works. And this does seem like it has started within the last few versions of TeamViewer.

  • pacz
    pacz Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Kind of defeats the whole purpose of remote sessions...Hard to shut down Ceton Echos and XBOX's when you are 3,000 miles away traveling and the family has a PC challenge.  :-)

    Is it possible to roll back to TV 12 or 11?

  • inspiresayan
    Same question. When I Try to connect Namecheap black Friday then it's not opening.
  • Spartanz
    Spartanz Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Hi Toast,

    Thanks for the  post, your solution fixed my login problem. Althrough I only did your steps 1 to 7 only. But it fixed my login stayed in blue. Thanks again

  • mda400
    mda400 Posts: 2 ✭✭

    After updating to TV 14 (when it was a preview release), i was able to sign in again with Hyper-V enabled.

    However, it takes the client 10-15 seconds to connect to the teamviewer service (I assume it's trying to figure out which network interface has internet access on).

  • kimenemark
    kimenemark Posts: 11 ✭✭


    Seems to work for me too and I have reported back to support team.

    When the preview version came out however I had at least one time where it didn't work.
    The last week though everything seems to work except I sometimes have the same latency you expirence... not always.

    I run version 14.0.13880 (I'm a paying customer)
