Teamviewer host on chrome os

rfabriga Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions

We have a custom msi file to deploy our custom host on our windows computers. However we also have a lot of chrome books that we want to deploy to. Is it possible to also have the custom host installed on the chrome books and how is this done?

Best Answers


  • peng1nz
    peng1nz Posts: 1

    I think what you are saying is that currently Teamviewer does not support remote access or control of a Chromebook. (only outgoing connections are supported).

    So the best option is alternative such as *bleep*.

  • Hi! Any news for this functionality? We would love to use Teamviewer to administer Chromebooks!

  • javcove
    javcove Posts: 2

    How Can I Add my license to the Chrome OS Teamviewer App? Currently it closes the session because it says it´s on free use not commercial.

  • AndyLeong
    AndyLeong Posts: 1

    I have downloaded the app on my chromebook but whenever i tried connecting to another chromebook/android/other computers it just says that the connection could not be established with this version of teamviewer but in chrome web store this is the latest version. (Version 13.0.281)

  • The Link takes you to a 404-error page

  • Hi,

    After 2 years of waiting, is there a Teamviewer host on Chrome OS yet?


  • eitansg
    eitansg Posts: 3

    Hi Jean,

    Thanks a bunch for the update! 

    I have tested it now and I have found that this works for Chrome devices supporting Android apps only. Is this intended? Can the host app be installed on the native ChromeOS? 

    Moreover, I have intstalled the Host app on a Chromebook supporting Android apps and while trying to controll it via a MacbookPro, I could only share the screen. Is this intended as well?

    All the best.


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,080 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @eitansg,

    You are welcome! ?

    Yes, as long as the Chromebook is supporting Android apps, you can install the TeamViewer Host app on your device.

    Yes, only sharing the screen is possible for Chromebooks. Remote control is, unfortunately, not possible.

    If you need any further information, please let me know. ?

    Best regards


    Community Manager

  • eitansg
    eitansg Posts: 3

    Hi Jean,

    Thanks for your further reply. Let us know please if the status-quo changes, namely if ChromeOS devices will be able to be fully controlled in the future.



  • Dear Jean,

    Please help me! I have installed TeamViewer Host on my brand new Chromebook to reach it from other devices when the Chromebook is unattended. It works fine but not all the way. This since on the Chromebook screeen there is a sign saying "Share your entire screen. Host wants to share the contents of your screen. Choose what you'd like to share.". So still there is a need of a human at the Chromebook end. Very irritating in my case since I want to control the Chromebook unattended. If you or someone else can help me you'd make my day.