Update via MSI - An incompatible TeamViewer package was detected

fgn Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited May 2023 in General questions


we have previously installed TeamViewer 13 with SCCM without any other settings (no .reg file was used) on Windows 10 (1709 x64).

Installing TeamViewer 13 via MSI has been working flawlessly for about 1000 devices.

Now as it is time to upgrade to TeamViewer 14, I get following error message when running the MSI manually (and via SCCM install as well).

"Product: TeamViewer 14  -- An incompatible TeamViewer package was detected that conflicts with the current MSI package. Please manually uninstall this package."

At the moment my "Apps and Features" lists Teamviewer 13 and TeamViewer 13 (MSI Wrapper) as it is supposed to be

No matter if upgrading from 13.0.5640 (our version used for the initial deployment) or from the latest 13.2.26558. The MSI Wrapper version will stay the same when updating within TeamViewer. 

Any help on resolving the issue is appreciated as I wouldn't want to uninstall the old version first on all devices. Just to keep possible issues away.

Thank you.



  • tobi_18

    Hello FGN, I have exactly the same problem.

    Win10 1803
    TV 13 ( latest build)

    We want to upgrade to TV14 and get exactly the same error message. I wrote a script which uninstalls the TV13 before. But if I install then the TV14 via MSI packet now, the installation runs up to 75% and stops. Nothing happens. it doesnt finish the installation process, i wait up to 20 mins but it doesnt work.

    Can you please test if you get the same error ?

  • fgn
    fgn Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Hey Tobi,

    are you deploying the script via SCCM or just using it locally?

    What type of script did you use?

    I just tried it with simple powershell 2-liner to uninstall TV13 and install TV14 as it is what the applications do. No more magic.

    start-process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList "/x {4BA3824F-99D2-458D-BB8B-D3D71069C3F6} /q /norestart" -wait

    start-process msiexec -ArgumentList "/i TeamViewer_Full.msi /q /norestart"

    Worked flawlessly.

  • tobi_18

    Iam using a batch script as a logon script when Windows starts.

    with TV13 there was no problem to install it on the machines. NOw i got the problem that the install process never finished

    my batchfile:

    MsiExec.exe /X{03F8398B-B868-4243-BED5-02A4A11A1ED6} /qn              
    msiexec /i "\\%Standort%\%Appz%\TeamViewer\Full_%TeamViewerVAR%\TeamViewer_Full.msi" /qn IMPORTREGFILE=1

    The thing is all works great when i create a totally new machine with SCCM and install then the TV14 without any other older version of it.




  • fgn
    fgn Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Not quite sure at which point your issue is related to mine, as you're already uninstalling the old msi prior installing the new one.  

    Do you use a logon script or a startup script?  AFAIK logon scripts cannot run elevated for non administrator users.

    Are your environment variables present at the time the script runs?

    Did you check for even older versions of TeamViewer? If it is failing on a testing device you may check for old / corrupt installations.

    There's a Microsoft FixIt that used to be helpful regarding "install / uninstall" issues: MS FixIt

    Just curious: Why do you use startup / logon scripts for software deployment when you're having a working SCCM instance at your site?

    For myself I got a workaround (still would like to use the built-in 'upgrade feature') running at the moment.


    #Uninstall TV13
    start-process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList "/x {4BA3824F-99D2-458D-BB8B-D3D71069C3F6} /q /norestart" -Wait
    #Install TV14
    start-process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList "/i TeamViewer_Full.msi /q /norestart" -Wait

    Deployed it to a bunch of test clients. Works.

  • fgn
    fgn Posts: 4 ✭✭

    According to this Knowledge Base article https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/Mass-deployment-improvements/ta-p/39639#toc-hId--**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs** it isn't possible to update a TV13 msi to TV14.1 

    As I wasn't aware of a newer version (14.1) I assume this information was also valid for 14.0. but has been updated already to fit the new release. 

    Meaning there's no solution to my problem and I'll need to proceed with uninstall / install method.

  • PavelKirth
    PavelKirth Posts: 1


    I found that extra-registry exists in registry, showing TV as installed. Try this powershell query:

    Get-wmiobject Win32_Product | where name -like "*team*"

    In my case extra registry was HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\13B41CD291A70C64281F58DC2BBC4BDE, which is pointing to Teamviewer 14 host, actualy not installed. When I removed this registry key, installation of host passed OK.

