"Show running TeamViewer" by default like before!

NickDK Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited May 2023 in General questions

I use TeamViewer many many times everyday.  I have it pinned to my Taskbar so I can open it quickly.

But now instead of opening when I click the TeamViewer shortcut in the Taskbar, I get a prompt telling me "TeamViewer is already running" (duh) and then I have to click "Show running TeamViewer."

I never had to do this before a recent update.  I want the old functionality back where clicking a TeamViewer shortcut just shows me the TeamViewer interface.

I don't see the point of this new prompt at all.  Why does it matter if TeamViewer is already running?  If I click a TeamViewer shortcut, I obviously want to use TeamViewer, so show me the interface by default please!

Best Answer


  • DMartin
    DMartin Posts: 4 ✭✭
    Yes, please! Why in the world did they ever change the way this worked before?
  • rangedsp
    rangedsp Posts: 1
    +1 from me. This dialogue is **bleep**ing me off since it started.

    Of course I want to see the existing instance, why else would I launch it? Windows design paradigm is to either launch a new instance, or if your app doesn't support it, launch the existing instance, there's no need to pop up with a stupid dialogue asking for confirmation. That's the expected behavior on all other major operating systems too, that's the behavior TeamViewer used to have for the longest time, why change it?
  • Daleus
    Daleus Posts: 6 ✭✭

    **bleep** - put this back as it was please, it makes teamviewer really difficult to use.

    Who wants a second copy? clicking the shortcut means "bring it back into focus" as it's gone somewhere.

    Waste of time

  • evanly
    evanly Posts: 14 ✭✭

    And it's crazy this is even an (still) issue.
  • DMartin
    DMartin Posts: 4 ✭✭

    As a small workaround...you can completely exit TeamViewer (right-click icon in system tray and choose Exit); then restart TeamViewer.  It will work normally as it should after that until your next device shutdown/restart.

    Not the best option, but it does provide a temporary fix until TV gets their act together and fixes it.

  • NickDK
    NickDK Posts: 2 ✭✭

    DMartin, thank you for sharing this work-around.  Definitely helpful.

  • Daleus
    Daleus Posts: 6 ✭✭

    Why is this still happening? TV Support pls fix.

  • antonyf
    antonyf Posts: 2 ✭✭

    This really is a disruptive addition.

    I type very fast, so I just click start, start typing teamviewer and hit enter and boom used to be in the app. Now I have to manually click to run teamviewer. Every. Single. Time.

    What I don't understand is it's not doing something even productive (like do you want to open a new one, or go to the existing one) it's literally just saying it's already running and you have to say yes.. I know... now show me it! It's added an extra step that doesn't need to exist.

    Let's walk through the workflow. Someone runs Teamviewer. The options are:

    1. Show me TeamViewer.
    2. OK (don't show me Teamviewer).

    But for anyone clicking a shortcut or searching for the app, why would they select option two? In what possilbe scenarios would option two occur and be useful?

    Really annoying please remove this or add an option.

  • Daleus
    Daleus Posts: 6 ✭✭

    Hi teamviewer,
    This is still a problem, please resolve.

  • evanly
    evanly Posts: 14 ✭✭
    Can confirm.
  • JITAdmin
    JITAdmin Posts: 3 ✭✭
    Totally agree that this is such a poor interface design 'feature' that is should be removed as soon as possible.
  • antonyf
    antonyf Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I just came in to say I updated to Teamviewer 14 and it no longer does this - it's the first thing I checked.

    Thanks for listening Teamviewer team!

  • bazbsg
    bazbsg Posts: 112 ✭✭

    @DMartin wrote:
    Yes, please! Why in the world did they ever change the way this worked before?

    Lack of oversight on their software department and a programmer that doesn't know standard Windows user interface procedures???

  • bazbsg
    bazbsg Posts: 112 ✭✭

    @DMartin wrote:

    As a small workaround...you can completely exit TeamViewer (right-click icon in system tray and choose Exit); then restart TeamViewer.  It will work normally as it should after that until your next device shutdown/restart.

    Not the best option, but it does provide a temporary fix until TV gets their act together and fixes it.

    I found that if you minimize the TV window then you will not get the stupid question but if you close TV with the red X then you will, because TV is still running in the system tray.

    However this is still incorrect behavior for Windows programs.