Block login after a number of tries

dannyspringer Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions

One of my computers has been 'hacked' via teamviewer. Someone just tried and tried untill they got access. They messed up all the documents and emails. Since I could not find any virus I looked into the log of teamviewer and saw that that happened.

Is it possible to block access after three (or any number) of invalid logins for a certain time? I use teamviewer 9 but downloaded v 12  to see if anything improved, but could not find it.



  • There are a few things you can do to prevent this.

    First, and i think this is always a good idea if you plan unattended access, you should disable the random password. I think it is a very bad idea to have this enabled by default and even worse, that it is only 4 characters by default. (I would bet, that this was the way it happened in your case)
    For support it would be best to have an option to grant access manually by default.

    As a second action you should use strong passwords. 12 or more characters long, no words but a random combination of letters, numbers and special characters - there are a lot of password generators out there that could generate good passwords for you.

    The third and most secure thing you can do, is to disable all passwords and only allow access through your teamviewer account. This way your remote computer can't be hacked, it's only possible to access it when your account is hacked and there you should of course use at least as strong passwords as for your computers. (You find this setting under options -> security -> Grant <YourAccountName> easy access)

    If your computer should be accessed by more people you should give everyone a separate password (options -> security -> Manage additional passwords)

    »We are all born unique, but most of us will die as a copy.«
  • DanG
    DanG Posts: 6

    "The third and most secure thing you can do, is to disable all passwords and only allow access through your teamviewer account. This way your remote computer can't be hacked, it's only possible to access it when your account is hacked and there you should of course use at least as strong passwords as for your computers. (You find this setting under options -> security -> Grant <YourAccountName> easy access)"

    Can you elaboate more? I tried this but I could still logon to the remote computer with the TV ID (not the TV account) and password.

  • I have written a small HowTo here

    »We are all born unique, but most of us will die as a copy.«
  • ok