Device Assignment

BenG1 Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions

I have successfully deployed the custom host application using both jamf, and a shell script that uses curl to download the host.  It shows up in the correct computer group and I am able to remote in. All that works great. 

The problem is when I run the assignment tool.  I have done it in two different ways.  First, I downloaded the tool ( as guided in the management panel ) and used the -apitoken -datafile params when running the script.  When I do it that way, I get an error that AssignmentData.json is not found.  This was of course validated when I went to ~/Library/Application Support/Teamviewer Host

The second attempt used curl to download the agent, I then installed the application ( all worked great ).  I then chmod -x /Applications/  However, this tool does not take the -datafile param.  When running this tool -apitoken is changed to -api-token.  Either way, I run the assignment tool that way and I get an error 204.  Which according to standard API rules means "success".  The documentation from Team Viewer states The API encountered an error. 


Sorry for the long-winded story here.  As I have tried nearly everything I can think of to get the assignment to work.  My last step is to create a folder with a postinstall script, teamviewerhost and the teamview_assignment and see if it works.  But that doesn't seem to be documented anywhere and would be a complete custom approach.  

Either way.  Assignmentdata.json is never created with the custom install (and yes, the checkbox is marked in the panel )

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated in trying to get the Mac OSX Teamviewer 14 to assign!




  • lpiguet
    lpiguet Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Hello BenG1,

    We do experience the same issue. Did you ever find a fix for this ? Did TeamViewer support get back to you or do - as it seems - they ignore this question ?

  • schradim
    schradim Posts: 1

    Hi BenG1,

    we are having the same issue 204 on windows 10.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe assign --api-token <APITOKEN> --alias %COMPUTERNAME%

    Any updates on this?

    best regards,

  • lpiguet
    lpiguet Posts: 5 ✭✭


    Update on this from the TeamViewer Support Team would be welcome as well.



  • BuMa
    BuMa Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Since version 14, the configuration with the file  Assignmentdata.json is not supported. The file  does not appear. Now the configuration is from the command line. Current parameters for configuration here. 

    msiexec.exe /i "\\path to\TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=<my config id> APITOKEN=<my token> ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access"

    I tests the installation with a command. for now, 50/50% of computers get correctly configurations. The rest do not automatically add to my account. I have to do it manually. The grand easy acces option also does not always turn itself on. 


  • lpiguet
    lpiguet Posts: 5 ✭✭



    Well at least we're all on the same boat. Doing macOS deployement of TeamViewer 14 I also have about or slightly above 50% success rate at assignement.

    Also, since the AssignemenTool doesn't return any exit code - you never know if the machine has assigned successfully or not. I did actually have to write a (still buggy) "Post Flight" script to do an API request to check if the machine is announced or not.

    I think this is highly broken.

  • BuMa
    BuMa Posts: 2 ✭✭

    We're just starting with Team Wiewer recently. We bought one-year subscriptions and so far I have little disappointment. I have 300 computers for mass deployment and I would prefer to assign them automatically.

    We have a poweradmin account to which the license is assigned. On PowerAdmin account we have created a MSI Host package. Most computers are not automatically assigned to the account with this package .
    Today I created MSI Host package on my account (user with administrator rights). I tested two computers that did not want to be assignmen twith the PowerAdmin package and finally succeeded. But! automatic --grant-easy-access still does not work.

    Has anyone had similar situations? Maybe it's a coincidence or maybe some way to deal with it.

  • AndyChips
    AndyChips Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Our company is also seeing this. It seems to have happened in the last week or so.

    Desperate for a fix now.

  • D_Unimib
    D_Unimib Posts: 2 ✭✭

    The solution posted by RCT_IT won't work in my case (sadly ;-()

    BTW, i've tested the TeamViewer_Assignment.exe's solution and that worked (below the Powershell code). The groupID has been retrieved with the RCT_IT solution.

    Start-Process -FilePath "C:\temp\TeamViewer_Assignment.exe" -ArgumentList "-apitoken `"xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx`" -datafile `"C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\AssignmentData.json`" -groupID `"gxxxxxxxxx`"" -Wait -PassThru

    If you don't have the AssignmentData.json file you have to re-install TV14 with the following code (also in this case PowerShell):

    Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/i C:\temp\TEAMVIEWER\TeamViewer_Host.msi /L*V C:\temp\TEAMVIEWER\TeamViewerInstall.log /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=`"xxxxx`" APITOKEN=`"xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx`" ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS=`"assign --grant-easy-access --reassign --alias %COMPUTERNAME%`" IMPORTREGFILE=1" -Wait -PassThru

    In this way the AssignmentData.json will appear (until the next TeamViewer problem...).

    Obviously this is only a workaround, not a solution...

  • AndyChips
    AndyChips Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Thanks. Using the Group ID worked for us. In fact I just used it in the MSI command and that worked perfectly; so it's just a one-liner:

    msiexec /i "TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn APITOKEN=XXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX CUSTOMCONFIGID=xxxxxxxx ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access --alias %COMPUTERNAME% --group-id g********* --reassign" IMPORTREGFILE=1
  • sparkymac
    sparkymac Posts: 3 ✭✭

    Hi, did you get a solution to these problems, we are having the same trouble?

    I can get TV installed via JAMF but the computer remains unassigned when run in a policy or a script!


  • AndyChips
    AndyChips Posts: 8 ✭✭

    I just had a look at the current installation line I use and it hasn't changed much since I posted that last one-liner. It's been a while now but I do recall that as soon as I started specifying the GROUPID the machines started registering perfectly. I haven't had a failure-to-register since then.

    I also remember some confusion over the email account used to create the policy. Our team had several logons and I had to be careful to use the right one when modifying the policy - and that tied in with the GROUPID. My memory is a bit hazy now but I do remember that this was important, especially when adding computers to the right group. At one point we had computers registering in a completely different account/group and that's why we couldn't find them.

    This is my current one-liner for version 14.1.9025.0 (in a .CMD file):

    msiexec /i "%~dp0TeamViewer_Host.msi" /qn APITOKEN=XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CUSTOMCONFIGID=xxxxxxx DESKTOPSHORTCUTS=0 IMPORTREGFILE=1 ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access --alias %COMPUTERNAME% --group-id gxxxxxxxxx --reassign"