Teamviewer focus stealing on update, inability to kill processes

Bertram Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions

Is focus stealing on update, an inability to kill any of three separate TeamViewer processes, and what appear to be (this may be a misreading on my part of system logs) unsuccessful attempts to access an external drive at time of update normal behavior?


Went AFK from a full screen windows application for a few minutes, had TeamViewer update and focus steal. Promptly went paranoid over the possibility of someone employing TeamViewer as an intermediate step between gaining a more basic form of remote access and deploying something truly malicious, furthered by the perception that a TeamViewer reinstall and a screen capture compatible display of remote access credentials was taking place. Quarantined the computer, pored over various system and application logs, did malware scans, took backups and killed/uninstalled/quarantined/firewalled a variety of processes/applications/system services. Am now on a lower level of paranoia.


Possibly relevant details:

OS: Win 7

TeamViewer version: 11.0.1159 -> 11.0.8373 -> Uninstalled

Update event time: 17:04 UTC

Thanks for your time.