Hi all,
I just wanted to inform you that we fixed this issue.
Wake on LAN should work again
Have a great day!
I have been experiencing this issue quite long. I solved the problem by changing a setting.
In Windows 10, go to Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections.
Find and right click your Ethernet connection. Click Properties, then click Configure button.
New window opens. Find and click Advanced tab. At the bottom of the Property list, you should see WOL Speed. Select Auto from the drop down menu (It was 100mb for me, so it may be not compatible with pre boot bios configuration).
Please also check Wake on Magic Packet and Wake on Pattern Match are set as "Enabled" at the same window.
Also be sure you unchecked "Turn on Fast Startup" setting from power options (Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Power Options\System Settings)
This fixed the issue (Wol not working at shutdown state) for me. Now I can wake the pc at all states (Sleep, hibernate and shut down).
Hope this helps more people.
Hi @alamden et al,
If you can wake up the computer from another computer within the same network, but you can't wake it up from a computer outside of the network, then it's likely that something else is preventing the wake-up packet from reaching the target computer - perhaps the network or computer firewall is not allowing it, or something like that.
A good way to further troubleshoot this is to use an eternal WoL tool to try and wake up the computer from outside the network. For example, you can use a website like this one (not affiliated with or supported by TeamViewer):
If you enter the target computer's host name (eg. using the dyndns name you've given it), and its WoL port (usually port 9), and its MAC address, then you can test to see if the sleeping computer receives the wake-up packet from the internet. If the computer does not wake up, it suggests that some other factor is preventing it from working, beyond the scope of TeamViewer.
Unfortunately getting WoL to work can be very tricky, as there are so many factors involved - the router firewall, computer firewall, BIOS settings, Windows/Mac control panel settings, network card support, network driver support, and so on and so forth. Sometimes WiFi rather than an ethernet cable can also be a problem.
Hi Megazildjian,
Thank you for your message.
The Wake On LAN feature is currently unavailable if you try to wake up the computer with a public IP address/DNS.
We are already working on it and will inform you here as soon as we fix it. We apologize for the inconvenience.
It's working now.
Thank you for your posts!
Our development is already working on it but at the moment we cannot say when the fix will be released. I will reply to this post when we published it to inform you. As a workaround you can use another TeamViewer ID in the network to wake the computer up.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you teamviewer . I was going crazy over the last few days trying to get this to work from resetting my router, getting a new nic, to installing every old drivers I can find. I hoping this was the reason why it stop working for me.
Hi I am also experiencing these problems with Team Viewer Wake On Lan not working anymore.I spent hours reconfiguring de-instalen ans re-installing only to find that there are issues.On the one hand good to have narrowed down the sorce of issue.
Just wondering when a solution is expected?
This seems to be an on-going issue for TeamViewer. It works great for a few months and then stops. Over the past 2-3 weeks, Wake on Lan has not been not working again. TeamViewer can you please fix the problem.
I have the same problem, it worked for few months flawlessly, however it stopped working since yesterday. Any help will be much appreciated.
Yes. However, I posted here because I was following the TV instructions precisely, and still not able to get to my computer from outside my LAN. I Used a dyndns hostname and my router now manages that, but cannot wake up the iMac with everything set properly if outside my LAN.
If this needs to be in a new topic I will do what I can to make that happen. Thanks.
Dear Community,
I too have this exact issue - just stopped working on all my devices last Saturday. It worked seamlessly for 11 months wherever I connected from globally.
Appreciate that resolution is being worked on, but any suggestions when this will be fixed and 'normal - excellent - service' will be resumed?
Regards Martin
I checked all the setting and it seems everything is fine, not sure what is the issue, still unable to Wake up the shutdown machine. I am using WIndows 10, please let me know if there is any specific settings for it.
I have the same issue, it wakes up the computer when it is in sleep mode, but not when it is shutdown.
Wake on Lan seems to be working again and I did not make any setting, software, or driver changes to any of my computers. Definietly seems like the issue is on TeamViewer's side.
Since some time I cannot wake up my remote computers. Settings in computer, router/modem and so on have not changed, so maybe it has to do with Teamviewer? Anyone having the same problems?
Hi Im having issues to.But i maybe that this is not the fault of Teamviewer, i could also be a Microsoft update issue.
There are some posts stating that after the FCU (Fall Creative Update) people are having issues with WOL (wake On Lan) check these posts:https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/f609f769-b6ea-48fd-8055-04a37de17b45/i-have-a-pc-that-will-not-wake-from-standby-since-build-1709-fall-creators-update?forum=win10itprogeneral
Just search google
It is still not working for me.
Whilst I sympathise that it is not working for you, despite all the windows updates and even a new router, Teamviewer is working fine on my set up (Win 10).
Sure, occasionally there is a glitch, but shutting down Teamviewer and restarting generally fixes it.
I will add, that initially it did take me some tiime to configure all the component parts, router, PC & software to get Teamviewer working but since then it generally works.
Hello Julia,
I saw your post from 2016 that said the issue had been resolved.
I only need to wake one computer in my office from anywhere in the world as a necessity for my company. It has worked perfectly fine until about a week ago. I know the gateway is set up right because I tried from an iPhone APP called WOL and it does wake the computer but Teamviewer won't wake it up as it used to. I am travelling soon and I can't go in peace if I am not positive the Wake on Lan feature is working. have you had any reports of it not working lately?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi BT -
Thanks for the info, but unfortunately, I don't have a WOL Speed. See attached picture, that is the bottom of the list under the Advanced Tab. Also, Wake on Magic Packet has been checked since I started using Teamviewer. It does seem like it Wake On Lan has started working again now and I have not made any setting changes to any of my computers. I would prefer not to change the startup, since the new fast startup is 1 of 3 features that is good in Windoze!