record incomming session

MattH Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions

Is is possible to record an INCOMMING session with the TV client?  We have a vendor connecting in next week to show us some new features of their software and I want to record the session our end for training purposes and so I have a visual log of what they did on our systems..  I know I can use it if I initiate a connection but can I do it as a recipient?

If not I'll use Camista or something.


  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    Hi MattH,

    Thanks for posting!

    Unfortunately, we do not currently have a feature to record an incoming session, only when connecting to another device.

    I am sorry for any hassle.


    Senior Moderator
    Did my reply answer your question? Why not accept it as a solution to help others?
  • wex
    wex Posts: 3

    How do I record it when I am the client, I.e. when I give someone else access to MY desktop and I want it recorded!!

  • TechGuy56
    TechGuy56 Posts: 41

    Unfortunately as you found out, you can't record an incoming connection. What you can do is ask them to record the session and then share the recording with you This can be done easily using DropBox or a similar service. I hope that helps!

    Mike Crabill
  • wex
    wex Posts: 3

    Its not good options then ...but TECH guys must think about this vital issue in TV and solve it as soon as possible.

  • wex
    wex Posts: 3

    Its not good options then ...but TECH guys must think about this vital issue in TV and solve it as soon as possible.

    Why should one person depend on others regarding recording files.

  • TechGuy56
    TechGuy56 Posts: 41

    It may not be the best option, but when you are loking for a solution and no other is currently available, at least it can be considered to solve the problem, for the current situation. His other option is to use a screen capture utility like Snap 10 or similar program. It would be best if Teamviewer would add this capability to their program, but it lookslike they have their reasons for not doing it so far.

    Mike Crabill
  • Is there anyway we can request this as a feature in the next Teamviewer version update? This is EXTREMELY useful for monitoring work done by external suppliers on our servers.

  • Probably the best thing to do is submit your request or suggestion to the idea board and their idea site.

    Idea board:


    I hope that helps!

    Mike Crabill
  • This is a workaround! We've done it via a "jumphosts". The external person/company connects to this jumphost and can connect to the target host through the TV on that jumphost.

    Steps (not every detail. Just the main idea):

    • Create a VM in your own infrastructure with TVFull installed = jumphost
    • Create rule which force the recording on this jumphost. We also added a whitelist to only give access to the external company's TV user account.
    • User which allows access to a group (TV Management Console). In this group the target system must be placed
    • The recording needs special rights. (no deletion), because the files are written with the user which is logged in. Otherwise the user can delete the recording and we don't want him/her to delete it. We've created a script which copies all the recordings to another place every night. In that way the recordings can only be viewed by an administrator.

    It's a bit more complicated than written above. If someone is really interested I can post more details. Please write me.

    I hope TV integrates a incoming recording as soon as possible. And maybe write on the actual product description that it is only a outgoing recording and not incoming.

  • SSH
    SSH Posts: 2

    @michaelnydegger What you're describing sounds very promising to me - we're facing the same challenge right now. Could you give us more details on how you solved this?

  • it is redicoulous how we can not have automatic recordings when someone connects to the server 

    lots of tech suport ask for TV to be installed for remote assitance and can connect at any given time, would be good to have eyes on them at all times  



  • Ash7
    Ash7 Posts: 1

    Is this feature available yet, 

    Its beed over 3 years now and nothing has been done for this feature

  • Thank you for your interest. Sorry for the delay.

    The basic concept is to use a jump host which you can control. The user is forced to access first the jumphost and only can connect in this environment to the target system.

    I guess you need about 4-6 hours to do the following steps including the testing. I needed a few days to implement and optimize the concept.

    Steps to create the basic environment:
    1. Jumphost: Create a Jumphost (Windows/Linuxmachine) and Install TeamViewer Full
    2. target: Install TeamViewer Host on the target system where the user should connect in the end.
    3. Login to
    4. Create an TeamViewer account "jumper"
    5. Create two new groups "jumper" and "target"
    6. Move the target system to the group "target"
    7. Move the Jumphost to the group "jumper"
    8. Give the account "jumper" access to the group "target"
    9. Create a TeamViewer rule "Rule-Jumphost"
    10. Add the rule to the group "jumper"
    11. "Rule-Jumphost" -> Add the TeamViewer account of the user who should connect to the whitelist. Now the external user is allowed to connect to the jumphost.
    12. Jumphost: Login into the TeamViewer with the TeamViewer account "jumper".
    13. Jumphost: In the TeamViewer you now see the target system and are allowed to connect to the target.

    Steps to configure recording:
    14. Jumphost: Create a new Folder on the Jumphost with two subolders: "record" and "archive"
    15. Jumphost: The Windowsuser on the Jumphost needs access to the "record". Only write, but no delete!
    16. Jumphost: "archive" is only accessible by an administrator. Not by the Jumphost Windowsuser
    17. Jumphost: Create a Task Scheduler which copies every night all files from "record" to "archive". In this case the recorded files are definitely not accessible by the Windowsuser. Also the Windowsuser does not see how many recordings have been made in the past.
    18. Enhance the rule "Rule-Jumphost" to force recording in the Folder. (Maybe you want some more settings. for example not to change TeamViewer settings by the Windowsuser...)

    If you need more then one user to have access: dublicate the idea above. Create a second Jumphost, TeamViewer user and a group "jumper2" on


    The user who wants to connect needs the following information:
    - Password for the OS (Windows / Linux) user on the jumphost
    - TeamViewer ID and Password of the Jumphost

    DO NOT send the password of the TeamViewer "jumper" user. Otherwise the external user can login with this account on any system and have direct access to the target without recording.

    A bit complicate, but it works. :-)
    I really wish TeamViewer will integrate this function into the product. It would be much easier.

    I hope I haven't forgotten something.
    Feel free to expand the idea.

    If you need more details or help with the implementation please write me a private message.



    ft systems gmbh

  • Why is this still not implemented? This would be very useful any such an EASY thing to implement, all functionality is already present, just a few lines of code to enable it when someone connects. What a shame,

    **Third Party Product** can do this, OF COURSE.

    Update: wow, they are even censoring it if you mention another product. That does not exactly show confidence in your own product. Just WOW.

  • Dear support, could you share you expectation about this vital functionality - record incomming sessions?