Business Licensing Number Issue / Problemi con numero licenze business

mauriasse Posts: 2
edited May 2023 in General questions

I have been a business user for over a year. Unfortunately only AFTER the purchase I had discovered that it was not possible to install the software on more than 10 devices; inside the page relative to the differences between the licenses I HAVE NOT FOUND MENTION OF THIS LIMIT (there is only written that it is possible to install it on 3 devices at a time, as you can see from the attached image).TW.png

I am writing this post because it has still happened that my laptop, upon rebooting, has requested my activation again, forcing me to CONSUME another license (the ID changes despite having the usual PC and I have always had double authentication) ..

I want to know how to get back the restoration of the licenses because, even if I don't change the computer or the phone, I had to consume more licenses available uselessly after a few months from the renewal, above all for something very unclear at the time of purchase.


Sono un utente business da oltre un anno. Sfortunatamente solo DOPO l'acquisto avevo scoperto che non era possibile installare il software su più di 10 devices; all'interno della pagina relativa alle differenze tra le licenze NON HO TROVATO MENZIONE DI QUESTO LIMITE (c'è solo scritto che è possibile installarlo su 3 devices alla volta, come potete vedere dall'immagine allegata).

Scrivo questo post perchè è ancora capitato che il mio laptop, al riavvio, mi abbia richiesto di nuovo l'attivazione obbligandomi a CONSUMARE un'altra licenza (cambia l'ID pur avendo il solito PC ed ho sempre avuto la doppia autenticazione)..

Voglio sapere come poter riavere il ripristino delle licenze in quanto, pur non cambiando computer o telefono, ho dovuto consumare piu' licenze disponibili inutilmente dopo pochi mesi dal rinnovo, sopratutto per una cosa ben poco chiara al momento dell'acquisto.




  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,256 [Former Staff]

    Hi @mauriasse ,

    Thank you for your post.

    For Business license, TeamViewer will allow 9 additional movements per year.
    You can see how many times you can move from TeamViewer Management Console --> click Edit profile in the top right hand corner. Then you will see it under the Licence tab.

    activate business legacy.jpg


    If you would like to reset the number of movements after a year, please contact our suppor team in order to assist you.

    With regards to the website as you mentioned, I have forwarded this case to our team in order to follow up.

    I apologize for any inconvenience caused. I will keep you updated about this.
    Hope this will be helpful.

    Best regards,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • mauriasse
    mauriasse Posts: 2
    I know very well where to check the number of movements available. the problem is that without any reason my clients have disconnected asking me for access again for 2 times making me lose 3 workstations unnecessarily. so I request that my licenses be restored, now and not after a year.
    Also as I demonstrated through the attached screenshot, at the time of purchase they were not well understood (in fact, I didn't really find it) the limits of the 10 movements but only of the 3 devices.